
Really? Most of the people I know would not want to live next door to this bullshit. The houses next door to this would be the ones I’d never bother to stop and look at.

Still not a state.

Until you live in a neighborhood without an HOA and you get this -

No one wants to see that damn flag. You’re in America now lady. If you want to use your service as an excuse, fly the flag you fought for. Puerto Rico ain’t the one.

Just wait until one of these retards uses the words “full stop” at the end of their comment to you, like it somehow wins every argument. God, they are insufferable.

Omg this sounds like paradise.

Lol. That'd be one short war. 

Hopefully not long. Examples must be made.

Hey Mexicans! Pick a wiser spot to swim in!

As long as we lock the actual criminals up first.

Too close to the border you emotional buffoon.

Isn't illegally invading another country an act of war?

These hogs are very good at digging under fences or going right through them.

The .223 round works just fine. A four shot hunting rifle is basically useless when you go out and hunt at night for these little demons....unless you just want to kill one or two at a time, which is pretty much conceding defeat.

When in Rome....and all that.

Omg so so brave. If we were allowed to run them over for being in the middle of the street, I’d be more impressed. This is just worthless attention whoring with no potential for danger or real consequences.

So what's the problem?


Yeah, it’s awesome physically assaulting someone when they aren’t prepared for it.

Almost like watching you guys when your favorite candidate is speaking.