I hope that was sarcasm....
I hope that was sarcasm....
Please do. Look at gun crime and gun death stats over the past 20 years. Kind of hard to argue that it's a crisis while both numbers have gone down....while firearm ownership has increased. Oops.
Is the goal to curb gun violence or gun sales?
Want to have an easier time in life? Act more white/male. This isn't difficult to wrap your head around.
It’s all personal with these people. Petty jealousy based on the fact that they will never have enough money or hubris to influence anything beyond what they eat for lunch every day.
Citation needed that he kiiled his sister because she was trans.
Says the pissiest pissbaby on here.
Just to keep things fair, Castro should also post names and pictures of all known illegal immigrants in his district. I mean it’s just harmless information, right?
You lose again asshole.
And you are a child raping asshole. See how that works?
By the response actually.
No one cares but you.
This does not surprise me.
When your entire platform is based off of emotions, this is the kind of tragedy they fucking live for.
Deny, deny, deny.
As I’ve said in other comments, go ahead with restrictions or banning. I’d love to be proven wrong. I don’t want people to die. That’s where you guys always fuck up in this argument. Who the hell wants to see innocent people killed?
It's the internet. Everyone's full of shit.
Apparently you’ve never left whatever urban area you live in. My collection of firearms is not even a pimple compared to what most people own.
“Cousins”. I'm sure that's a real tight knit group.
Anyone reading this batch of comments would be pointing to you guys being the most likely to hurt someone. I mean, it's a little ridiculous.