They’re fun to shoot? I’ve been doing it for 35 years and I’ve never hurt anyone. Your opinion on why people have them does not have any bearing on what the truth is.
They’re fun to shoot? I’ve been doing it for 35 years and I’ve never hurt anyone. Your opinion on why people have them does not have any bearing on what the truth is.
You keep calling people incels that don't fit that description. Time for some new material.
Correct. Women do not (typically) react to problems in life the same way that men do. No one is arguing that we do not do more damage when we have issues.
I never said a license is a bad idea.
I only have contempt for foolish people with remarkably stupid ideas. Not everyone on here falls into that category...unfortunately, you do.
The same way you pretend that your comments here in your leftist echo chamber mean a damn thing in the real world.
Absolutely. It is too easy to buy a firearm in this country. Any politician who does not agree with that is foolish or being dishonest.
No no no. We come here and read through this bullshit and screenshot it to post in our fb groups and group messages. The more we shine a light on this type of emotional buffoonery, the smaller your chances get for a win in 2020.
Read your comments you angry sack of shit. The only one acting like a tough guy is sitting there looking at your phone.
Again, I’m all for it. If it fixes the problem, so be it. I don’t think it will but this is one time that I’d be glad to be proven wrong.
Maybe you guys should get one of your candidates that doesn’t have a worse top lip than Joaquim Phoenix to be your “woke” spokesperson this issue. I gag a little every time I see his top row of teeth.
You guys all should have upped your xanax doses today. It's getting a little sad to watch how unhinged you all are this weekend.
I have one account on here, shit for brains. I have no idea what an incel even is, besides it being the new trendy insult you guys have been using on here for the past few months.
Let me know when those same countries have the same cultural issues that we have.
I thought so too.
Accountability for what? The murder committed by some stupid fucking asshole? No one else is to blame but him.
Ahh yes, another emotional child. You seem mad. Try not to hurt anyone.
Good to see another mind blowing post out of you. Yawn.
....and I own 30+ firearms including 7 of the “assault rifle” variety. I’ve never felt the urge to hurt anyone else with one either. That little anecdote means about as much as yours - zilch.
Really? You get the fuck outta here with THAT bullshit. All of these people could have bought and registered cars. You want a gun ban because you have no understanding of the people that buy them, and you don't care to understand. Again, that's fine, let's ban them and see what you do when cars are used instead. If…