Ban ‘em all. I don’t give a fuck.
Ban ‘em all. I don’t give a fuck.
....and anyone can buy a car and mow down the same amount of people just as quick. If you don't treat mentally ill people, it won't matter how many guns you ban. It's a culture issue.
Right back at ya, cunt.
No. You implied that all of those horseshit conspiracy theories were something that I support. You were incorrect.
Lol 15% is mostly? Muh lib mathhhh
Well, he’s not wrong.
Was there a coherent point in that temper tantrum?
Umm, Puerto Rico?
I see how well your plans have worked for urban areas..... yeah, you can have them.
I don’t know about any of that ridiculous shit.
Blah blah blah. Your comments on here are more worthless than cgo's.
Lol. Who the fuck watches Samantha Bee?
Look who's mad that Ivanka's pussy probably tastes better than the gutter trash he will have to dine on tonight.
Good lord almighty. I’m convinced that Scarlett was born a man. Easily the least attractive actress being pushed in our faces right now.
Actually, Jack, maybe you should choose today to shut the fuck up.
This is some pretty dishonest stuff. I mean the whole damn manifesto is up on Drudge. You could also play the same game by saying - who said it- AOC or the El Paso terrorist? Their environmental views are the same.
Our reply should always be - none of your business. What the fuck are they going to do about it anyway?
Good to know that you wrote your Master’s thesis on it.