
Cool. Kiss your water goodbye dumbass.

What the fuckkkkkk.

Umm... there is plenty of manufacturing capability in the red states. I travel through them every day. Pretty sure that you never leave your garbage infested downtown apartment.

We'd be fine without yours. May be painful for 6 months, but damn would it be worth it.

Lol nice username. You and yours are worthless pieces of shit.

Yes, google for something they seem to be spouting off uninformed opinions of.

Dear Chris Murphy,

Someone needs to do more research. You're either uninformed or purposefully lying about it being organic. Google can help you out so you don't look like an ignorant twat.

Hmm. Which Republican have you seen sympathize with this guy today? None. 

Well....that's not for a lack of trying. You guys are just shitty at the execution.

35%? Google up a fucking map of red vs blue states. Without the red states this country starves to death.

You want to go there? Your side wears vagina hats and thinks open borders are a good idea. There's crazy on both ends of the spectrum.

Don't worry, I flag and dismiss all of yours too. It has no effect but it's still fun to do it.

You’re just loads of fun. When this happens to you and you’re hiding like a little bitch instead if protecting those around you, remember that comment.

Tryhard, loudmouthed, basically every commenter on here?

Lol says the guy with a username that means nothing. The fuck outta here.

Shut your cunt mouth. Good grief. Mother fucking hall monitors are the worst.

Google her. She's actually much fatter and strangely lumpy at the same time.

Never happened. This is the same woman with the faux rape story. That’s pretty much a self own x infinity.

I think she’s already married? Seems like she was the one with the weird “i got raped/but not really” blog post too. I’m still trying to figure out how she got anyone get near her vag in the first place, much less marry her.