

That offer should be rescinded ASAFP then.

The value was in bringing your expecations back down to earth with the rest of us. Evidently you didn't understand it.

Know what else should die? Bitching about voter suppression. Is it suppression that some people are too stupid to follow the registration rules?

We do the same thing to door handles of cars with Dem stickers on them. Sounds fair to me.

To be fair, Leahy's family member probably died from the shame of being related to him anyway. He could have skipped the funeral.

As did most of the women trying to shape public policy right now. Pretty scary.

When you’re hot, you don’t have to. The ever present chance of it happening is all attractive people need.

No worse than Darcy's "anonymous sources" tweet.

Was the accusation untrue or did it just hurt feelungs?

To be fair, women need to know that’s not how an orgasm occurs. And no, she's definitely not hot enough.

What the fuck word salad about premiums did I just read? 

You’ve apparently signed into the wrong account tonight, cgo.

Motherfucking clown world should be the left’s campaign slogan. I’d be proud of them for just owning up to it at this point.

Yes, because you must be a certified mental health professional to know unhealthy choices when you see them.

A personality? You mean an entirely different gender. Yeah, I won’t indulge your child's delusions. If you didn't, it would probably be more helpful.

It shouldn't happen. Ever. The discomfort of the one weird kid does not justify making the other 99% do something that flies in the face of what they know to be true. I'm not going to call a woman "sir" and I certainly wouldn't expect elementary students to do so.

I've been there. He's only 80% correct.

Welcome to Clown World : Night 2

Why would shithole bother us? It's our word.