
Well, it doesn’t. What’s your point?

I’m sure they’d be glad to stop taking handouts.....but you city folks would starve. It’s either that or you can pay $50 for a tomato. Which would you prefer?

Yeah.....he’s the one misunderstanding it.

Yep. I'm all busted up over it.

Guilty. My life will go on just fine and so will yours. I don't have to go to the other parts of town.

Other countries have and can do it by forcing the issue. That shit is not going to fly here. You cannot get the votes by peddling a huge tax increase on businesses and a moderate one on employees and then offering nothing better than what those people alreadt have at their disposal.

Willing to fix things aka Clown World category.

Way to avoid the cold, hard truth.

Maybe because he’s the only guy up there not living in MOTHER FUCKING CLOWN WORLD.

I could have sworn that one of your writers wrote a post saying we would all be taxed an additional 8% annually for this “healthcare for all”. 8% of my income would cost me 5 times more than my annual premium and double my out of pocket max. Nope, not happening.

Let’s play this out then dumbass.

Yeah....they’re the smug ones. The fan of the party that produced Tlaib and Pressley just said that with a straight face...

Nope. Deal with it. That shit made me cackle.

It's not going to happen but you folks just keep lapping up the dem pigslop anyway.

Good. Keep it for yourself. I dread every trip out there.

Treasonous? You're hysterical. Go calm yourself. When you're ready to come back and act like a grown up, signal by shooting yourself three times in the head.

Yep, bottomed out. Insert gay joke here. Har har.

Sorry, meant the weird quiet gay guy from high school.

Good little “squad” cuck. Let’s see where that gets you. No, that weird chick from high school isn't gonna bang you just because you virtue signal on Splinter.

Oh cool. So we’re not counting electoral votes anymore? That’ll be news to Trump I’m sure.