
If you can't afford a $400 emergency, you are probably a fucking idiot with your money.

More appropriate headline -

Blah blah. Your material is stale. Time to get squashed like a cockroach again in 2020.

Wtf are you talking about??? My company is right up there (slightly above) that 50 million mark. We've never received any of those things.

Does the truth always anger you so?

Prohibition. Now shut the fuck up with that bullshit.

Cool. Explain again how the federal government could tax it twice?

This coming from the guy who thinks that the rich are taking from his portion of the pie, even though he’s never done anything to deserve a larger portion.

In my circles, we call that “the squad". It's easier.

Hi! No one but you goes back and reads previous comments. Move on.

Dismissed ya fucking idiot.

Or maybe it's none of your fucking business who funds a privately held corporation?

Good grief, shut it already.

Yeah, cause I worry about my safety when I’m in the all White part of town.

Boo hoo. What a fucking attention whore. Just unfollow, shut the fuck up about it, and maybe it would look a bit more virtuous.

The left's version of whatabout-ism. Always fun to read.

No bracket should be taxed to death. That's the problem.

Oh cool. So the popular vote wins the elections now? Nope. 

Height of irony when the side wanting to take my money by force is calling me greedy.

Read the last sentence again. Context is king.