Socialism and vulgarity go hand in hand, and socialism is on the rise. These are dangerous times, my friend.
Socialism and vulgarity go hand in hand, and socialism is on the rise. These are dangerous times, my friend.
Farewell, Splinter!
Real Democrats want leaders who are unafraid to troll the loose cannons of their own party. Speaker Pelosi has the courage to troll socialists until they hang their heads in shame and fall back into line. Good for her.
Socialists don’t pay their bills. Real Americans do.
Socialism will be the death of America!
Why do socialists wildly wave their arms in the air and point their fingers like crazy people? Is it because socialism is crazy and makes people into crazy people?
There are too many candidates splitting the anti-socialist vote. Meanwhile socialists are united and backed by Putin.
Here’s the thing though: Amy is right — and if you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit it.
Eternal vigilance is the price of allowing socialists into government. If America doesn’t keep socialists on a short leash, socialists will keep America on a short leash.
This is fantastic news. Joe Biden is America’s best hope to stave off a takeover by an unholy union of socialists and Putin.
So, the socialist Messiah has feet of clay. Don’t say you weren’t warned.
Thank God for the Senate filibuster.
Good. Democrats desperately need a charismatic young moderate to counter the charismatic young socialist AOC.
I suggest a job that AOC might be good at, which is actually a compliment to her, and you and other AOC fans still take it as an insult.
AOC should be America’s designated ambassador to all socialist nations.
Trump’s negotiations with Kim Jong Un were a failure. Next time let’s send AOC and let her negotiate, socialist to socialist. She might actually be good at it. Since we the taxpayers are on the hook for AOC’s salary no matter what, we have a right to ask her to find some way to make herself useful.
Let’s send AOC to Venezuela to negotiate a peace settlement. She knows how to charm the socks off socialists. It might be the only thing she’s good for. Let’s make her earn her monthly paycheck just once while she’s in Congress.
Great. Mail AOC her draft card today. Make it fireproof, because you know she’ll try to burn it.
Every American should watch this video.