
So that’s it then. I’m assuming Splinter will also be on WordPress if and when it’s relaunched. The Dream is over.

Summer of 2024 will see the tenth anniversary of the creation of tomato trolling by TomatoFace. My aspiration as a TomatoFace scholar was to keep the art form alive on the Gawker successor sites for a

Kylie is turning into a watered-down version of Crystal Jewell. What was the point of banning Crystal if the staffers were going to adopt Crystal’s shtick? Do they regret losing the reader engagement that Crystal brought? It’s undeniable that commenter traffic declined precipitously in the wake of Crystal’s departure.

So many brilliant American women, dishonored and devalued. It makes me SO ANGRY. That’s why I’m considering not voting in this year’s election. How else can I hit back at America’s sick misogyny?   I can see no other way.

Going by that math, actually voting for Trump is TWO votes for Trump.   Amazing.

I was at the rally. I took the opportunity to speak to female American graduate student Crystal Jewell. Crystal is convinced there’s no point in voting. American democracy is broken and she won’t waste any more of her time on it.  That’s what she said.

Trumpists are so dumb. They think highlighting Nikki’s similarities to Hillary Clinton will decrease Nikki’s mass appeal. They’re WRONG. It’s just the opposite. Similarity to Hillary Clinton is exactly what moderate voters crave. That’s why Nikki’s popularity is surging.

Where are the custom profile pics? Everyone has generic Kinja pics now.

I’m seeing a LOT of DeSantis voters on Twitter saying they’re switching to RFK Jr. They say Nikki Haley is no different from Hillary Clinton. Is that true? It would make me look more favorably on Nikki if it were.

So exhausted by this ineffectual courtroom bickering. The fate of Democracy is hanging in the balance.

We wouldn’t be having this problem if Biden had kept his promise to step aside and let Kamala Harris run the country.

Just like Bernie, RFK Jr. relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. RFK Jr. doesn’t want celebrity money because he doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

How many of these aborted fetuses could have been great tennis players? Probably a few. I’m just glad Serena Williams wasn’t aborted.

Munchausen by proxy has gotten a bad reputation lately because it’s become the favorite tool of transphobes to cast doubt on the ability of transgender children to self-diagnose their gender dysphoria. That doesn’t mean we should ignore legitimate Munchausen victims like Gypsy Rose Blanchard. We just need to be aware

It’s time to quit this implausible scaremongering about Republicans enacting a blanket abortion ban in all 50 states. The average voter is well aware that mainstream conservatives are not anti-abortion absolutists, nor are they dumb enough to commit political suicide over an issue they’d rather leave to the states.

“Regular Democrats vs. Progressives” is a “Slobs vs. Snobs” script so embarrassingly on the nose it would make Donald Trump blush. Unlike Trump, Fetterman is a literal slob who wears shorts and mustard-stained hoodies to work. In retrospect, it feels inevitable that he would pick a fight with effete coffeehouse

This is more confirmation that January 6 really wasn’t all that big of a deal, except perhaps as part of a larger pattern.

There are 16 year olds in the Ukrainian Army bravely fighting to protect American democracy from Vladimir Putin. How can we ask them to sacrifice for us on the battlefield when our 16 year olds will not even do factory work?

Ziff Davis migrated Lifehacker away from Kinja while Jezebel was down. Disturbing. I dare not ask if Paste has plans to do the same with Jez and Splinter. So many treasures in those old comment sections. I imagined my grandchildren enjoying and learning from them as I have.

Genuinely bummed out by the site closure. I’d like to express my gratitude to the Jezebel staffers for generally being good sports about my tomfoolery these past few years. I’ll confess to having some Tomato-style accounts here. Yes, I was Crystal Jewell, the 25-year old grad student from Iowa — along with some