Bullshit. You can be sure that lots of those 120,000 donors are fake people created by Russia to funnel money to Bernie.
Bullshit. You can be sure that lots of those 120,000 donors are fake people created by Russia to funnel money to Bernie.
Follow the money. . . . straight to Moscow.
Well said, Secretary Clinton, though I am somewhat less charitable than you in my estimation of Bernie’s motives.
I agree with Secretary Clinton.
Who ungreyed this shit?
We learned that AOC is a callous ideologue who cares nothing for job creation or bettering the lives of her constituents.
The socialist AOC and her Russian troll allies have chased a job-creator out of New York City. Champagne corks popping in Moscow tonight.
Has AOC ever been on the right side of any issue? She’s the wrongest wrong that ever wronged.
I don’t hate Warren. She’s one of Putin’s useful idiots, but she seems well-intentioned, if misguided. I reserve my true vitriol for active traitors on the Kremlin payroll, like AOC.
Is there anything good to say about a plan hatched in Moscow, designed to bankrupt America, and sold to gullible liberals by Putin’s mouthpiece AOC?
If socialists are too fat and weak to walk a picket line, that’s good for America. I will also say that AOC’s youthful vitality is part of what makes her dangerous. I hope she gets fat and bloated with terrible body odor and unable to give a 5-minute speech without losing her breath and getting disgusting sweat stains…
Splinter loves AOC so much they’d endorse a beer with her face on the bottle even if it were manufactured by slave labor.
More like AOC introduces Putin’s plan to bankrupt America.
Putin wants America to squander money on foolish and impractical ideas. That’s why Russian trolls are grooming AOC for the White House.
I suppose you’re right. There is plenty of blame to go around.
But it is really fair to blame Trump for the Syria/Afghanistan withdrawals when he was goaded into them by AOC and other radical leftists, all of whom were acting on orders from Putin?
Those policies only poll well because of Russian social media manipulation. As soon as we put a stop to that, the policies will quickly lose popularity.
As usual, AOC is mindlessly regurgitating the scripts that she receives from Moscow. She has no original thoughts and no patriotism.
The Tsarina sneers. Trump’s usefulness to Russia is nearing an end. He was never more than a temporary placeholder.
That’s racist. AOC’s values aren’t Latin-American. They’re Russian.