“You, er.. I, er, betcha you’ve had a LOT of customers with the, er, idea, er, same NAME as me recently am I right?”
“You, er.. I, er, betcha you’ve had a LOT of customers with the, er, idea, er, same NAME as me recently am I right?”
No wonder she’s an anxiety monster, her best friend is a narcissist.
Honestly thought that was Dr. Phil for a moment.
I absolutely agree with you.
So third party voters voted the way they did because they’re petty children on the defensive. Gotcha.
True, true.
My kids were obsessed with Slenderman a few years ago. Ob-sessed. It wasn’t good.
I know that your question wasn’t directed at me, and that it was Europe specific, but I think that this chart is interesting.
I just sent this image to Mr. Sweetie.
It’s part of the same trend.
What. I’m a terrible Carmex fiend and I’ve never even considered this before now.
Yeah, it’s sort of gorgeous.
Stoners can get very nasty if they are usually stoned and are then not able to be stoned, for whatever reason. I’ve witnessed and been subject to some horrible behaviour (including violence) because of weed withdrawal.
Sometimes the problem is not how the person is when under the influence, but rather what happens when they are not. When someone’s tolerance and normal consumption of weed is high, and they have to go without for whatever reason- eesh. Shit can get really, really nasty.
Oh my God that was beautiful.
You are very very welcome :)
Well, yeah. Sadly he only scrapes into anythingsweetie’s top 5 worst boyfriends of all time. The upshot- my buzz cut did look pretty cool.