
A Talking Firstie?!?!11?!??!

Technically, I did pull out. Just not in a timely manner.
-My future defense of not claiming that a child is mine on Maury.

They are Asian Americans. So the site isn't wrong.

He used the Matthew Broderick/Bruce Jenner defense.
He is rich and famous.

I very nearly won one of those caption contests.

Those Love ones with the tales of other young swingle people fucking.

It's from The Stand with the villain Kinja Flagg.

They wore jumpsuits, were young and ran. What more do you need?

I just looked. Seemingly responding directly to the article writer seems a bit odd.

It was probably two things and several others.

That was Michael Bay's The Island.

For a Tremors TV show? No.

Hey! Some of those guys took care of their ailing grandmothers until they found out she drank from the same water fountain as a black guy in 1954.

Back in school, Jonathan Vandercott V was both a cheerer-on of the crew and a Jeff Dunham fan. One day, Bogey Christiansen Marwallace VI said, "Fellows! I have the most delicious bon mot. Do you know how the Moorish puppet says heeem? And Johnny-Lad goes rah? Raheem!"
*Other lads titter*

Jesus, McGillicuddy! In your day the cure for cancerAIDS was a phial of leeches and acid on your dick for a week!

Well, Steve James is dead.

*Master Kinja theme song*

Common's pubes have a topknot.

I like the idea of a Porsche but I don't think I could own a car I'd feel silly buying groceries in.