What is under the dress?
What is under the dress?
They say that Taylor Swift is 7 feet tall and shoots fire from 'er arse.
The good ole "I'm not touching you" bit.
I don't know how they accomplish that feat now that the damned liberals have taken away our Styrofoam-based burger tech.
I have found that the Carl's Jr/Hardee's Famous Star comes fairly close to the McDLT in taste and whatnot.
No. Gender went away when the Hivemind took over in 2058. The president likes to use gender pronouns.
Spoiler: This disobedience leads to a mass migration of LikeMinds into a new consciousness in 2128. The old and new battle for dominance and both die. In the year 20726, bees become the dominant life form. This…
I'm not sure if he is in the 17264th pod or if it is the 17264th former person absorbed.
Yes, Billy Joel fans are terrible.
I don't know, bro. Which websites would report on that?
It's worth it. You will cause many people who aren't smiling or laughing to call it "hilarious".
Maury Povich.
Oh. Condiment…
Don't bother. I stocked up on Danzigs after that Aqua Teen episode. I just can't get rid of them.
I watched it not too long ago. I found it enjoyable but nothing I think about very often. Someday I will say, "Oh yeah. Season 3. I'm gonna watch that."
Eh. She sucked.
Mmmmm. No. I can't imagine that.
Or maybe it is so awesome that lame ass humans can't comprehend its awesomeness.
-Black Bolt's mom.
Right now, someone in the DCEU is trying to work out how to get Wonder Woman in Twoicide Squad.
Get Michael Jai White back and clean up the shitty CGI and it would probably be okay.
Paste Pot Pete Goes To Staples will be the crown jewel.
I don't believe I have every found the possibility of a future comic book movie less exciting.