
That's nothing. Once Douglas Adams took half my biscuits on a train. He wrote the story out and made millions.

Oh really?

Fucking Purple Tentacle came in to buy boner pills, right. I was such a huge fan. Dude was just quiet and talked low and just didn't want to talk to me while buying boner pills. What an asshole.

Jesus, Ugg. I saw that cave painting of dudes spearing deer years ago. Stop remaking the classic cave paintings.

Well, I'd hope there would be a shade slider.

I think it would be an interesting litmus test to show what white folks either
a. Feel so comfortable with black culture and their appropriation of it that they would use it to show a solidarity that would end in an ass whoopin'.
b. Are so racist that they would do it to amuse their other racist friends.

That is essentially it. White folks might use the filters to do black face or yellow face. That is wrong because of a long bit of history that people likely to use the filters won't give two shits about but others do.
I'm not sure if an Asian putting a black face filter on is bad or vice versa.

"ZOMG! Just stop Funko! I am running out of shelf space!!"
-Some dude on Nerdist.

If you would have told me 10 years ago that two questions I would ask myself a lot are: "Why do people wanna look like puppies or fairy nymphs or anime characters?" and "Why the fuck are people taking several pictures of themselves per day?", I wouldn't believe you.

They watched Becker with their parents when they were 8.

Remember Great Space Coaster?
Well here are 10 figures of characters from the show.

Well, someone could take this and maybe do things that would offend others on the internet. That can't be allowed.

I would also like to state my distaste for those figures and my sad happiness when I see hundreds of these things unmoving on shelves.
This also goes for Dorbs and the other one what's name escapes me.

Somewhere, in the nearly visible distance, we can monetize this and will fire any mother fucker who tries to stop this future money.

I am aware that Snap Chat exists because I often wonder why people use those dumb filters. I'm talking people my age with no children in sight.

Fine! I once wore white face and mimed that I was trapped in an invisible cube! And I'd do it again!

I never started, fellow white person.

They could never made a terrific comedy like Soul Man these days. Liberal Hollywood would never allow a movie to show how racist affirmative action is.
-Someone's dad on Fox News' Facebook page.

"Well, fuck. Guys, let's not ask Ted Danson for app ideas."
-Some millennial.

The piece of shit was The Great Mighty Poo. Conker was a squirrel or something.