
Grandpa. Why does this super old episode of SNL have a huge black square?
That was Father G-word Sarducci.

How dare you!
He is less Mario and more Busby 3D.

Well, Corden asked him to do carpool karaoke.
Fallon wanted to do some stupid game.
Kimmel wanted him to do, I don't know, a Man Show thing.

Only has like 150 miles on it. Drove it home from the dealership.. Drove it to Titty Hut. Snorted some coke off some stripper. Passenger seat has a stain if you know what I mean. She was a squirter and I pulled out. Just get a towel, fucker.

Headline prediction:

I like Jack Daniels Watermelon Flavor Drank.
I don't drink very often and a couple give the sensation of drinking without getting anywhere near drunk.
Plus they taste pretty good.
The Mike's I don't care for because I dislike lemonade.

The Plinkett review of it is pretty good.

Visually, Victorian clothes and whatnot in a super modern setting would be interesting.
I don't see the rest translating.

Sean S Cunningham just decided that maybe a reboot of the reboot of Friday the 13th will earn enough to get him a second hot tub.

Bad guy: Is there someone here in camo?
Motoko: [FARTS]
Bad guy: There she is! Shoot!

I rented that a week or so ago. I just couldn't watch. It'll be on HBO or something eventually.


Finally! We can reuse these Lawnmower Man effects!
-Some computer animator.

Neal Stephenson.

I really liked the Neuromancer trilogy. I kinda lost interest with Idoru or whatever that book was called.

You know, Snow Crash is out there waiting to be fucked up as well. Just saying.

I watched his latest Netflix special. It wasn't very good.

But will Less Than Zero return from the dead to hang out with Girl Who Tries to Bang Melancholy Ass Sling Blade?

Just get me a couple of them CGIs.

If you can't trust xXxConnorMcCloudsworddickxXx, who can you trust?