
I thought she brought a folksy authenticity to being an asshole to little Forrest. Forrest Guuump.

Mr. Haze would bring his pretending to be a rapper for years experience to the role.

No. She will cast Chet Haze.

I sure hope she doesn't get replaced by the daughters of Lord and Miller.

I still recall when she testified before Congress that we should ban hacking the Gibson.

Inglorious Basterds.

Well, dudes aren't stuck telling the staff how to raise the children. They can roam around doing things.

Charlton Heston using a sledge hammer on that ancient tomb door was something.

Mr. Thorton acquired some of her blood in a vial and used his Southern HooDoo to control her mind.

That movie was so suspenseful, it was like some hyper tension.

Dear President Trump,
My local Blockbuster only has the rated version of Original Sin. They cut too much out for me to masturbate. Please use your super powers to make Blockbuster stock unrated copies of Original Sin.
Yours, A Kid Nicknamed After Food.

She made those kids Cryborg 2

We still have several Crystal Pepsis in the closet. Our local grocery store had 'em for a quarter each towards the end of the run.

I still recall seeing Make Them Die Slowly. I started eating dinner around the point that the natives began eating those big ass maggots. It put me off dinner.


Mostly a fan of 70s/80s Italian horror.

I didn't even realize that was a Roth movie. I just saw that Reeves wasn't an assassin, Jesus or a samurai and didn't rent it.

I liked Cabin Fever. It was a wonderfully dumb bloody movie. I enjoyed the shit out of it. But, then came that Hostel shit and I checked out.

Roth is one of those guys where horror fans seem convinced that anyone who thinks his films are terrible are obviously "haters".
See also: Zombie, Rob; West, Ti.

Green Inferno was symbolic of how an Italian director in 1981 with no budget could make a far superior film to a guy in 2015 with a much larger budget.