Gymkata's Lack of Popularity Was A Failure of Cities to Build Gymnastics Equipment into the Scenery.
Gymkata's Lack of Popularity Was A Failure of Cities to Build Gymnastics Equipment into the Scenery.
Abrams' crew knocked out that 4K restoration of Phantasm pretty quickly. Get them to do it.
Mr. Cameron, please provide us with a Blu Ray of the director's cut of The Abyss.
I will settle for a digital version of it.
I'm 5 seconds from going on Instagram and shutting you down/clapping back at this. So, watch it, buddy.
Stop shaming shaming me, MoSam
Dear Mr. Ironbody,
President Trump, prior to seeing the light of absolute truth somewhere around 2014 or whenever he decided that Nobummer needed to produce his birth certificate, was a dirty liberal and deserving of being made fun of. Now, that he is president and ultra-conservative he demands respect and any joke…
A quick impression:
I preferred the 404, Mr. Bad News Pegasus.
He was hilarious in Home Alone 2 and when he fired D list celebs.
He is also hilarious when putting down the liberal media and the New York Times.
Also, hilarious when he gets libbies all mad.
Holy shit! 404!!!!
As I understand it, the liberal media makes fun of him because they have no comeback to his tremendous policies and leadership.
Meanwhile on social media…
It's no Morgan Freeman and Christian Slater in Hard Rain.
Excuse me. It is pronounced "Ver-sayce".
Katrina flooded, unable to start until some time has passed.
That's all well and good but how does Trump factor into this?
Hey, man. Free speech is all well and good up til someone says things I don't like.
You stay away from My Three Sons, you perv!
I'll take "Things That the Peeping Tom Outside Alien Jesus' Window Says" for $500, Alex.
Spiderman is 4th. It just was so bland.