
Lies! It is nevah [FAAAHHHTSSS].

Well, Martin often wandered the wasteland with a gang of thugs roasting entire settlements.

Team ICO missed a golden opportunity not using this in the originally titled Wanda and the Colossus

I am a Crossfitter who doesn't exercise.
I am a vaper who doesn't actually breathe in vapor.
I am a vegan but I rarely eat vegetables.

I am straight and white. People tell me I'm privileged but I can't see it. Also fuck Santa Claus!!

Just working my way through the Crash Bandicoot Trilogy. While occasionally it is really frustrating, I'm having a lot of fun with the games. My method is to play one of the 3 until I get tired of it or too annoyed to continue and switch to one of the other ones. I'm debating getting all the gems. I know I'm not

Oddly enough, I am doing a reread of Weaveworld.

I quite liked Great, Imajica and whatever the sequel to Great was. Coldheart Canyon and that latest dumb Cenobite book, those I didn't care for.

*Looks at waiter*
You I do not know.
*Looks down at Herve*
You I recognize.
But boss, much like the Space Seed episode, we've never worked together.
I never forget a face.

I still love Killer Klowns despite him being an asshole.

A young girl. Violins.

I'd always wondered if Keisha was really into the final story of Heavy Metal. My patience has finally paid off.

But the fresh cut would make it uncomfortable for a lady to sit on your lap.
The erection would just exacerbate the situation.

The Eunuch box is just a prop from when Dune and Phantasm went on tour.

The tiki idol just gives up. These guys can't have worse luck.

I don't see tits or Brian Benben or Arli$$, so probably not.

Hey, Peg. I'm visiting the Iron Throne.
*toilet flush*
*laugh track explodes*

I was watching a doc about Terry Funk a few years ago. I kept asking myself, "Would I, at age 60, fly to Japan and let a dude hit me with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire that is currently on fire for a few thousand Yen?"
Anyone going into pro wrestling has to be a bit crazy.

Why did he change his name? Samuel Clemons sounds like a terrorist. I don't have proof but, you know…

See? Silver paint really sold it!