
That the one where Mankind had the wherewithal to stick his tongue through the hole under his lip?

They use rubber folding chairs. Little bit of silver spray paint and it just fools the eye.

If these libtards would let boys be boys and enjoy their masculinity then that girly reporter would have been bodyslammed many times and would enjoy it.

In fairness, rasslin' is fake so CNN wouldn't actually get hurt.

Has CNN taken a half-assed Stone Cold Stunner? Advantage Trump.

There is a certain type of politically aware person who will watch any-goddamned-thing if there is a shot that the opposing party gets owned.

Rumor has it that Coulter is dating Jimmy Walker of all people.
That's a helluva threesome.

That Schwarzenegger had a way with words.

Blah blah lib thing lame joke.
Oh yeah? Blah blah conservative thing snide comment.
Oh no you didn't blah blah repeated lib thing personal attack.
Oh shit! blah blah personal attack.
*Starts making out hardcore*

I met my wife at work. It's worked out well so far.

I'd rather not be sleepier at work, thanks all the same.

Aging Friends fans who think Chandler is on the news.

I like to imagine Trump imaging that Mika sat at dinner with a face like Claire from Hellraiser II. No skin and bleeding.

I have seen shit that will turn you white…


Oh lookit Mr. I Have Specialty Trimmers For My Pubes and Don't Have to Use My Face Razor over here.

I'm interested in providing an opening.

Kardashian?! Am I on Hello Giggles, People, EW, HuffPost, Twitter, Instagram, click bait site, whatever the fuck?!

They put a creepy CGI cameo of him in the new show. It was really off putting.