I though most of the jokes were pretty standard award show type jokes.
I though most of the jokes were pretty standard award show type jokes.
AV Club responds: “Nope, sorry, we got to drag this story out a little longer. You remember how many articles we got of The Slap. Let’s see if we can beat that!”
I’m pretty suspicious of anyone whose takeaway from that Taylor Swift *joke* (that wasn’t even about her, really) isn’t “Taylor Swift seems fairly humorless about herself, and could stand to lighten up a little.” What would she have done if Ricky Gervais had been host, slit her wrists on camera?
Delete your Twitter, put your phone and computer down and go outside for a while, Matt. Dave Chappelle is not guilty of any “crimes” he’s just saying what he thinks and trying (and mostly succeeding) to make it funny in the process. Your histrionic bed-wetting take is exactly what he thrives on because people like you…
Not only a bad review, but an actively wrong one, actual disinformation. There is very little “transphobic” material here, maybe 5% of the whole special. I kept watching, waiting for it, and it’s just not there. It’s his least “transphobic” set in a while, in fact. It bears no relation to what’s described here.
Stern seemed to actually become a better human being as he aged.
Really sad to see the AV Club be swallowed by comedyphobia
Not his best but still hilarious. And you may not like it, but he speaks truth.
I think there’s also a misconception that the punchlines are offensive, but funny. The bigger criticism is that they are offensive and also not funny. They aren’t somehow incisive and nuanced takes on the things that divide us. They are hack-y jokes with punchlines that are essentially “Trans people, amirite?”
I happened to watch this special last night, and the trans jokes made up about a minute or two of the runtime. Those jokes felt very perfunctory and were definitely the weakest aspect, but otherwise the rest of the special was one of the better ones he’s done in awhile. Too bad this “reaction” (not even a review)…
So, Dave isn't a champion of black people, yet the same jokes he says are heard in every black barber by your own admission. How does that make any sense? Sounds like, for better or worse, he shares the same opinion as a lot of black people, which would make him a champion of black people.
Mentioning them isn’t shitting on them.
Not even accurate. She had no hair.
It’s almost like the writers for this site are unfunny, untalented hacks.
He’s not shitting on Trans people, so I count this as a win.
compelling counterpoints
I saw him live a few weeks ago. A massive detail the AVClub is selectively leaving out, to maximize the outrage you’re supposed to feel, is that he’s pointing out that she cheated on him by sleeping with their teenage son’s friend, and then they took interviews about it as a family. The joke is Will Smith had to sit…
It’s funny how you can tell the avclub is so terrified of finding something funny that someone somewhere might be offended by.
Nah. You’re just an unfunny, depressed loser.