
Kind of extrapolating on Generic Poster’s actual views aren’t we?  

Man in bookstore: “Gee, I was all set to read “Between the World and Me” by Ta-Nehisi Coates, but now I see there’s a new edition of “Thunderball.”

I’m not saying that all? Changing Flemming’s books to make them less racist isn’t like pulling down confederate statutes, it’s like changing history to claim that the Civil War was about “states rights” instead of slavery.

Because it’s an either/or proposition?

Editing the past to make it appear less racist seems much more dangerous than just leaving the books alone.

Yet how far must we scroll to see people saying all billionaires are evil? And when asked to clarify, folks respond “yup, all”.

All credit to Trey and Matt. Bless their genius-two of the 21st century’s greatest artists. Never better. And astonishly still fresh and vital. I’ll bet you anything when they pass, the fortune will go somewhere worthy.     

This is gonna be great subject matter for next week’s South Park episode.

Not that I disagree with it, but that complaint is kind of funny to read. Having to explain the popularity of South Park, the liberal use of italics for emphasis, quoting Matt Stone as saying “we have fuck you money now”.

Matt Stone is still in the writer’s room as far as I know. Trey Parker was always the one writing the final version of the script.

Yes, surely these two dudes love Paramount+ and give so much of a fuck where their shows streams as long as they get their money that they did these things. 

Doesn’t seem like much of a case. The Paramount stuff hasn’t aired on Comedy Central, it’s not part of the proper South Park show. As long as they are still producing mainline episodes and giving them to HBO, then what’s the issue? Also, the episodes are available on the South Park site itself without HBO.

What’s the TL;DR

The big difference here is that there are people who actually like Johnny Depp as a person.

In which AV Club reluctantly admits that censorship isn’t popular.

Bill Burr: “How about we believe 87% of women? That seems like a reasonable amount.”

the story just went nowhere and I had no strong feeling about it one way or the other when it was over

While I too get irritated when some toxically divorced guy starts in on his mom and ex-wife, I admit that every time I hear “believe women” I imagine the speaker needing to affirm Marjorie Taylor Green’s bullshit.

Firstly, believe women”
