Excellent news for Tea Party candidates
Excellent news for Tea Party candidates
Oh, not these pictures but the original thing that sparked the non-recall and then the real recall.
"Greek" yogurt is very simple to make.
Notice that they don't once say what mold was growing on their overpriced crud. This reeks of the Legal department trying to soft-peddle it. I'm willing to bet a month's rent it's Aspergillus. Mold. Found in dairy. Potentially very serious or fatal
David Attenborough. There is no other choice
You can listen to this or just read ... the Cliff notes
All six or seven of them
Sorta, kinda.
I'm sure he wanted to play. But if he decided they were Bad People who were threatening His Family it would have been a lot different. Rotties have an overclocked protective instinct
The evidence is that they're right.
The fact that you're a self-righteous buffoon who projects like crazy is redolent of your own issues and grade-school level reading comprehension.
Don't say the "F" word to him, not even in that sentence. If you do, don't turn your back on him afterwards.
One of the most famous firearms instructor in the world, Massad Ayoob, taught his daughters how to shoot when they were very young. His rules were very straightforward. They could fire any gun in the house they were big and strong enough to safely handle, but only under his strict supervision and only if they…
I wouldn't put it past them. They're vicious little buggers
There was one I'll excuse. A woman I know followed her husband to her third or fourth choice grad school. Then she found out the reason he chose the place was because it had a famous gender dysphoria program. He was planning on transitioning, hadn't told her and didn't think it would make a difference in their…
Your 14 year old cousin could be prosecuted for producing child pornography and have her life ruined forever. Yes. It has happened.
You know what's more annoying than having a period?
Nah. It's like a small termite mound - One reproductive female (Smurfette), one Reproductive Male (Papa Smurf), a whole bunch of non-reproductive workers (all the rest)
Plenty of animals with hairs are not mammals.
...Seriously, fuck this goober.