
Forget "negative color dynamics". She's making money by condemning other women to horrible deaths from cancer.

If she admits it she has to admit that she doesn't give a fuck how many Black women she kills for money.
It really is that simple and that ugly.

Maybe we need to shut the fuck up.
But Black women like the one in the article need to stop poisoning other Black women, giving them cancer and killing them with self-hatred can take its advice, fold it until it's all sharp corners and then...

Think about it. I may be insensitive. I may be ignorant.

Mebbe. But this crazy, self-hating woman needs to learn to stop loathing herself. And she needs to stop poisoning African women.

Then my work here is done :)

Answer: They aren't. These are nothing new.

Corn fritters.

Nope. There are plenty of trans men and women, cis women and non-noob cis men who like threesomes. And there are plenty who don't You're setting your (lack of) kink up as the proper standard for everyone. Folk don't like it when Michelle Bachmann or Glenn Beck does that. It doesn't look any better when you do. In

George Zimmerman arrested. New story or cached copy from 2... 4... 6... 8... weeks ago?

He's probably right. I've been eating Thin Mints for years, and there's nothing I love more than women. I'm a dude, but close enough

Hurry up and take my money

Up a long ladder, and down a short rope

Damn that Commie Eisenhower!

Or you use a key-exchange protocol such as Diffie-Hellman to securely generate a session key.

You haven't been following the news, have you? Just saying "Use encryption" is an invitation to have your stuff read. The NSA has backdoored most of the closed-source, proprietary products. Bruce Schneier has some excellent suggestions for less-vulnerable products..

I know, right? "All Quiet on the Western Front", "La Grande Illusion", "Gallipoli" and "Johnny Got His Gun" just don't have the same rah-rah factor as the WWII films we grew up on.

Call of Cthulhu: The Wasted Land takes place during WWI. Poison gas. Trench warfare. Millions of deaths. Unspeakable Cosmic Horrors. It does fit together nicely