O Presunto que Anda

Regarding The Expanse: it absolutely is worth muscling through, yes. It only gets better from there (much better, I’d say), and you’ll find that Miller (the detective) is not quite the main guy in the story, although he remains important for a while.

I don’t think he took Hydra-Cap’s side in Secret Empire.

I’m reading The Yiddish Policemen’s Union, by Michael Chabon, which I’m enjoying, even if not quite as much as I did The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay or Wonder Boys. I’m also reading The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis, by José Saramago (title translated from the portuguese original for your convenience),

I agree with your recommendations and would also add Mother Night and God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater to them. Maybe Welcome to the Monkeyhouse (his first book of short stories) as well.

Yeah, I really hate that people started calling pretty much everything that is not a direct sequel a reboot. It’s confusing and often just plain wrong.

Reading Blood Meridian at the moment, which I’ve been meaning to do for ages, and quite enjoying, even if it is taking a bit more time than I imagined it would.

Now playing

It’s not the most visually dynamic intro ever, to put it mildly, but I’ve got a soft spot for the Ennio Morricone-composed sing-along credits for Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Uccellacci e uccellini.

Yes. A man, a dream, and some very questionable artistic skills.

Actually, I can answer you some of those questions, because it was covered in Portuguese news. The original bust was made by Emanuel Santos, a former janitor at Madeira Airport (now Cristiano Ronaldo Airport, I shit you not) turned self-taught sculptor, after he went to the airport’s management with the proposal. It

I, too, rate boobs above murder.

Incredible album, been listening to it all weekend as well.

I watched Manhunt: Unabomber this weekend, and I enjoyed it plenty, thought it was a bit Fincher-like, and that’s a good thing. As a non-American, I didn’t know much about the Unabomber, so I learned a bit along the way too.

Been eyeing Flann O’Brien’s books for a while now, could you talk a bit more about The Third Policeman so I can finally take the plunge and actually buy them?

I’m finishing reading Cortázar’s Bestiario, which I enjoyed a bit less than I thought I would. For every story that I found captivating, like the one with the guy that throws up rabbits (Letter to a Lady in Paris), I found one I didn’t enjoy quite as much. Not bad, though.
I’m also reading John Le Carré’s The Spy Who

Dawkins is a gifted popular science author (I also liked The Ancestor’s Tale), but I found most of his writings about atheism didn’t quite get to the level others reach, with the exception of The Blind Watchmaker.

Well, “human garbage” or “unbeliably shitty human being” also fits. Also, I agree with some people here: some of his most despicable positions are clearly dumbass versions of stated Republican policy.

That’s unfair to sea-slugs: they’re perfectly decent animals and not one of them is the Zodiac killer, unlike Teddy here.

Prejudiced against onion concubines, I see.

I decided out of the blue to jump in my car to go and travel to the nearest cinema (which, as I live in rural southern Portugal, isn’t near at all) to go and finally see Baby Driver, which I quite enjoyed, even if I was expecting something slightly different and less Driver-y.
I also stopped being silly and started up

From what I looked up, there’s at least an “oh, fuck” from the Punisher in Daredevil S2 (on the rooftop scene with Daredevil).