
On a complete and utter sidenote, I love the word portmanteau and how many of us began using it widespread thanks to Wiki

0/10 girl is way too suave. If she and I were in bed and she threw that Arnold impression at me I’d cream

Sounds like Elite Dangerous

Certainly not on a 5" screen, but on a 6" screen the difference is very noticeable.

What does the predominance of Islam have to do with locals liking cats

Is that from Person of Interest

What if...just maybe...they’re not doing it for you?

(in this case with the correct equipment there would be nothing holding a user back from obtaining said content).

And steel, too. Currently so-called “low-background steel,” which is steel that was made before the dawn of nuclear testing, is in high demand for sensitive instruments like scientific equipment.

I bought this mouse at full price and had it shipped to the Philippines where I live, as it’s not sold here. This thing is an absolute beast - best battery life I’ve seen in a pro gaming mouse, incredibly lightweight, and that drop-dead gorgeous wireless performance. Absolutely recommended.

I bought this mouse at full price and had it shipped to the Philippines where I live, as it’s not sold here. This

Came here for Rogue Leader, got Rogue Leader.

Who plays homebrew? The vast, vast, vast majority of emulators are downloaded for the purpose of illegal ROM usage. Microsoft will face a lot of very unhappy Nintendo people if they allow that kind of thing to exist on a platform over which they presumably have plenty of control. For Windows it’s understandable that

Slow non-sequential access speed, yeah, because the damn thing would have to physically spool to wherever your data was stored on tape. Once you got to the sequential part though, you could get hundreds of megs per second.

Ever play Titanfall? For all the “flak” that that game received, the skill ceiling attached to its freedom of movement was unparalleled.

The article’s points are highly dependent on game design. By the latter half of the first Dead Space, for example, you have become an unstoppable killing machine, which sort of dilutes the horror. Meanwhile there’s F.E.A.R., which remains among the most intense shooting experiences ever made and one of the scariest as

who are you, and what kind of garbage opini-

Might I recommend the Logitech G900 Chaos Spectrum? I got one a couple weeks ago, it’s easily the best mouse I’ve ever used.

To be fair to him it was for the anagram's sake. But then again the name being an anagram was a stupid reveal...

There’s one in Unreal Engine 4 coming soon - Deathwing, a squad-based shooter. Second UE4 40K game too, right after Battlefleet Gothic: Leviathan.

I look at the Unfolded girl and see gremlin