
The name autopilot is just a red herring. This driver was fully aware of the limitations according to reports listed above. I would agree the name played a factor if this was someone who was using the system the first time and was misled by the name (which none of the cases have been this way; most people don’t trust

Maybe he’s trying NaNoWriMo and is just desperate to put words on paper.

Is “Yas” a word to this game yet? Because that’s all I have to say about this news.

Immediate thought was: “why would I pay money for a game a played for free on my phone”

“Rise and shine, Miss Zhou. Rise and...shine. Not that I...wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job. No one is more deserving of a rest, and all the effort in the world would have gone to waste until...well, let’s just say your hour has...come again. The right woman in the wrong place can make all the

“3. People often confuse confidence with competence, which means a lot of big talking men get put into positions of power even when it is clear they are incompetent.”

Ah!!! That’s the one I was searching for!

“Git Gud” is reserved for difficult games of good design such as Super Meat Boy & Bloodborne.

I believe the Gotham City explanation would be that he doesn’t *actually* have whatever thing it is that causes his speech pattern, he has a mental illness that causes him to pretend to have it, badly.

I am going to go out on a limb and say that if he practiced a bit more, he wood have a better time. He should try branching out with other strategies. I guarantree that he will trunkate his time.

It’s going to be neither. Fahey said in a recent interview that within the next 6 months they are going to phase out video game content, except for a 2 hour window every other Sunday. They will instead be doing Snacktaku articles 24/7, minus that two previously mentioned hours every other week.

Who cares? This isn’t me being flippant, but seriously, those people are less than worthless and I guarantee you wont find a single person truly involved in the Dota community who feels that way - why pay any attention to anything they have to say? It adds nothing.

Bad discords make Zenyatta sad.

Jango’s dismissing replies he doesn’t like, so I thought I’d leave my response to him here:

Jango said:

I took this picture last night, I love this photo mode so much.

Now, I’m not saying Andromeda’s expressions are an example of remarkable graphical prowess, or anything - though I do think they’re better than those of any other game with face sliders I’ve seen (so, the older Mass Effects - which were notorious for wonky facial animations; there’s memes and everything - Dragon Age,

It seems to me that you are very bothered by my comment and are trying to start some type of argument.

Now playing

Nathan, that is not “funk;” that is “soul” or given the era, “disco.” If you want “funk” you have to go to Parliament, George Clinton, Funkadelic, Prince, or others. How do I know? I grew up on this stuff and in my college days, used to produce a radio show called “Soul in Stereo.”


Lastly, the mod’s creator leaves a very important tip: “Upon completion of Revolted you may find your character got hot from the intense gameplay session and undressed. I recommend you redress them before stepping back into the wastes.”