
They should release this for the Lumias, as well as the old Symbian phones. My trusty N8 still sits next to my S3.

not that you can alter them without buying a new machine

and in order to get to that part, he has to wear a special suit that lets him walk through walls

looks like a clicker

Eh? Why is the PS4 a 7870 XT? That's a Tahiti chip with a smaller bus and fewer shaders. I thought both consoles had Pitcairn 7800-based GPUs...

The original "audio diaries narrative" game was, I believe, System Shock 2, which is why Bioshock had so many of them, being some kind of homage. That said, SS2's handling of the thing was waaay better IMO.

Lol I just posted something about that up above. Controls really were wonky, huh, glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. Great open-world game though. Loved the art too - Old Bronx, the Industrial District, etc.

Long ago, in 1999, there was this really lovely little game called BHunter, which involved you piloting a fancy flying car through a massive open-world city, including its industrial district, sewers, pipe-like highways, and the like. It had a simple story mode featuring corruption in the government and police force,

Back in 2005, I got a copy of Pandora Tomorrow with my GeForce 6600 GT (legendary midrange video card, second only to the HD 4850 in price-to-performance). I recall playing hours and hours and houuuuurs of that game's mercs vs spies multiplayer. Ahh, good ol' days.


I'm a tremendously sociable and extroverted person in almost every single aspect of my life, except for the acts of shopping for PC hardware, and eating. I'm the kind of person who'd go out of his way and take two hours' worth of public transportation across the city - even in monsoon season - just to try out this

Whoa, what's Messiah doing there, I mean I respect the game's amazing-for-its-time graphics and gameplay innovation, but overall it wasn't fun at all...

There's no such thing as real-time GI yet, at least not to any extent that we could consider it comparable to offline rendering. You could make a case for SSAO or HDAO, and that new vector cone-tracing thing UE4 is introducing looks pretty good. Even LightsMark 2004 had a primitive real-time GI solution.

Back in CoD4 1.7 I still recall being able to use the Desert Eagle as a sniper rifle in Last Stand hardcore. The trick was to use those four lines that pop up when you hit something as a crosshair. There's nothing quite like it...

"This is our mission," Roy had told me. "Not our mission from God, but what I would like is... I used to work on Splinter Cell. Some people are afraid of games like that. 'Oh, it's too complicated!'

I bought Half-Life 2 on day one back in November 2004. I was on dial-up. Ah, that was the day when the whole pattern of "insert disc into drive, install, play" disappeared forever. That was the first time that I tasted post-install verification, force-download of updates...

He among you who is without stupid shit said on the internet, cast the first stone!

My AS-7 would like a word with you <3

Interestingly, good ol' BattleTech had some mechs with hand actuators, so that they could hold hatchets and swords.

The article does indicate that a certain number of them are yellowed in the sun. It seems fair to arrange them by "Shade"