
No; it is bad.

As games continue to incorporate more complex online functionality, are we going to see a further shift away from hard release dates? Most online stuff seems to launch broken in general; we just notice more when there's a massive ad campaign hitting us over the head with a game's release date and pre-order incentives.

Nope, AC Unity is a janky game. Usually not catastrophically so, but to the extent that it undermines the things the game does well.

Of course that's a relationship to sell-through, it's not exact, because some people have more than one identity. But obviously that's directional. So it's a highly-engaged audience that is hungry for more content. And when we've had that, we think we've been good at providing them with more content to satisfy that

"Includes 4 Motion Pictures Featuring Picard and Data." Isn't that... a weird thing to write on this box so prominently? Am I losing my mind? Anyway it's a good deal on a nice set. Just 20 bucks. [ Star Trek TNG Motion Picture Collection]

"Why do people tell this creepy story even if they know it isn't true?" "Because it's creepy."

I don't get why the people who want a serious look at ethics in journalism don't just accept that and make another group.

Threatening to kill women on the internet, not threatening to kill women on the internet... Hey man, maybe both sides are wrong.

Hey, the American Enterprise Institute's Christina Hoff Sommers. Next time you read an op-ed by some lumpy old white guy casting doubt on the statistics related to campus sexual assault or talking shit about "rape culture" or something, there's a significant chance they'll be referring to her work.

one, if not more, MOW or direct-to-VOD films a year that focus on the more "inside baseball" elements of the franchise; an all-Klingon movie, Section 31, a Harry Mudd film, a retro throwback to "The Cage" (which is what Enterprise should have been) back when space was dangerous and unknown and, if there's a Shak'ari,

Captain Kirk walks across America for 12 issues, lecturing people about self-reliance.

Typical lazy Hollywood. Thankfully CinemaSins is taking the time to document the many troubling inconsistencies in this film about a society of animate toys.

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No mention of the Middle Boss Battle remix; a shameful article.

Haha yeah, it seems like the majority of their points are just "Hey, you know this thing? Well in the trailer, it's colored a little differently!"

Having to support multiculturalism and diversity are the most common of the "correct ideas" that everyone has to adopt. Professional programmes in education, nursing, social work and others often promote this sort of "criticism". It used to be called "indoctrination".

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No article about Duke Nukem: Critical Mass is complete without mentioning the amazing trailer for Duke Nukem: Critical Mass.

For real though, a 1:1-scale interstate driving simulator would be the best. So I'm also bummed to see that Ubi didn't go full Desert Bus on this one.

The Protomen? What middle-schooler wouldn't get an erection to a rock-opera based on the classic Mega Man series of video games?

The JRPG's decline in the console market probably tracks with the increase in Japanese handheld gaming adoption, as well as the rising costs of high-def game development. Those 40+ hours don't come cheap—which doesn't mean that the games aren't being made, but that (like everywhere else in gaming) the console titles