
There’s a lot of White Feminism TM going on in there about “I experience 1 form of oppression, therefore EVERYTHING I DO IS OPPRESSED” as well as some serious Choice Feminism, i.e. “I demand that because I am a woman and I chose to read this that I be considered an empowered feminist because I made a choice”.

Counterpoint. It looked like a shitty movie before and now it looks like a shitty movie with a less terrifying cherry on top. No one “owes” the studio any of their time or money.

“After Meyers suggested that McCain’s assertion on a Sunday talk show (George Stephanopoulos’ This Week, McCain was quick to point out) that a perhaps ill-judged tweet from Representative Omar (reminder, a black, Muslim woman) helped precipitate the AR-15 hate crime attack from an avowed white supremacist dickhead

It’s possible to dislike something or be ambivalent about it and not, on the whole, give a shit about the larger significance of those feelings. I don’t think any of the prequels are great films — AotC is indisputably terrible and devoid of anything resembling human emotions — but that didn’t keep me up at night in

Shut the fuck up, you longwinded blowhard. You are wrong. Mirkinson is right.

If you can find a comparison to teh far-right media ecology on the left, go ahead nad present it. That’s a false equivalence, and anyone not actively promoting misinformation for political purposes can see it.

All true, and airlines are just one of the most extreme and awful examples. The truth is that this kind of concentration has happened in loads of other industries over the last few decades. It’s why your ISP sucks and your mobile provider sucks and your health insurance sucks and...I could go on.

The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”

While you “yass queen” people were spending money buying ads in Georgia and dreaming of blue Texas, your “extremely well qualified candidate” couldn’t even win Michigan or Wisconsin and your ideology has led to the total collapse of the Democratic Party at the state and federal level.

Mere enforcement without interpretation is a literal impossibility. There are inherent limits to the clarity of language and the power of foresight that necessarily make enforcement an interpretative process. Moreover, virtually every modern law is passed with the intent of giving discretion to executive branch

Hillary Clinton ran an unsuccessful campaign, but to say she ran a bad campaign is disingenuous.

Well, in this case it’s not Dvorsky doing that, it’s the LA Times article that he is very lightly paraphrasing.

It’s me, I’m the guy upset that they brutally murdered Red Ghost and his Super Apes

Perhaps the sanctions and financial industry restrictions made it more difficult to wire the money there.

Um, yeah, Rorschach would probably be working for the bad guys in the England of V For Vendetta.

you irl

There should be way more banned words, and I think your post -might- be a play on this:

get your half assed poineless articless off this site

I’m a pretty big Star Wars fan. I consumed the Dark Horse comics, many of the novels, and so on.

It’s like Little Big Planet only fun!