
This is where I’m at after 5-6 hours... neither phase feels particularly deep, and the two sets of systems feel like they’re interacting in very proscribed ways. Without a lot of space for player expression or creativity, the management side just feels like so much busy-work in service of an unengaging progression

The shift away from medium-budget studio filmmaking is worth noting here, since it slightly problematizes your idea that this is solely a reflection of consumer choices.

Oh no, an end to pre-order exclusive gear, whatever will we dooo

The earthquake scene is a character beat meant to illustrate that Black Widow is grasping for control as a means of channeling her continuing grief. The entire point is that it’s not some superheroic crisis, but the kind of everyday disaster that can’t be stopped. Which is why Okoye tells her to chill out.

As noted in the accompanying IG post, the Empire magazine cover is fan-art.

Even if it’s an intentional reference by the filmmakers—not even a full joke, to be cleardid it really merit 400 words of explanation? That’s almost one and a half double-spaced pages. I get that everyone’s got a quota, but this is superficial even for io9's standards.

My experience, having worked with asshole lawyer bosses of both genders (some of whom actually mentored Sen. Klobuchar), is that many asshole women bosses can be particularly cruel and disrespectful to the women who work for them. As the only guy working on a team with 10+ women, I often had a much more positive

If your response to someone being an asshole is to say “get the fuck over it,” you might be the asshole!

AOC rules but she’s definitely not the first member of congress to appear on Twitch. The Washington Post does a “gaming with politicians” feature that’s had guests like Matt Gaetz and Cory Booker and offers a chilling vision of things to come.

Not sure what’s worse about Star Wars: the impossibility of finding a movie for grown-ups over the holidays because half the screens at your local multiplex are devoted to a single children’s movie, or the baying of the fandom industry when they’re deprived of the annuated science fiction franchise product that helps

I’m not sure where the article is finding such a clear-cut position on copyrighted dance moves, since it doesn’t actually quote any attorneys. The example with Michael Jackson and the moonwalk seems to be speaking to patent law, which has different rules and serves a different function. Similarly, the Diamond Dallas

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It’s good, but it’s no “Ron Paul Pokemon Theme Parody Re-Mix”

Disappointing, but not a surprise when you run the numbers. Assuming supply and demand follow Nintendo’s projections, the Switch is on track to ship around 15-20 million units this year, with the overwhelming majority sold-through to consumers. So that’s about how many Switches would exist in the wild this holiday; it

For folks who decry “sensitive snowflakes,” they sure seem to spend a lot of time complaining about how the movies are mean to them.

I’ve started to think the left needs to be advocating for hugely expanded federal funding for independent, nonprofit community media.

I think it comes down to the fact that the legacy of the KKK looms a lot larger in the U.S. than in Japan, justifying greater sensitivity towards that topic in localization. Particularly when it’s being used for a throwaway gag in an anime titty game and isn’t something that meaningfully impacts the content of said

Bernie has an 80% approval rating among Democrats. Actually, it is you who is the die-hard.

The Accountant’s Bill Dubuque is set to write the script.

1) The Clinton campaign was roundly criticized for the low levels of funding it redirected to state-level parties — less than 1% by most accounts. In addition, by framing Trump as “not your typical Republican,” she knee-capped the ability of congressional Democratic candidates to leverage anti-Trump sentiment against