
But what if you're a media personality making a joke at the expense of our double-standards in racist media representation? I'm not a comedy writer, but in the context of a racist society, can a TV comic make a joke subverting racist stereotypes without implicitly or explicitly bringing the stereotype on-stage? If I

But the narrative (and this is one of the best parts about it, in my opinion) walked more in gray area than that. It didn't try to get you to side with either portion of this altercation, and instead tried to show that revolution and people in general are rarely all good.

It reminds me of a video of a speech given by some EA exec that Kotaku posted a few weeks ago. Basically one of the guy's main points was that video game publishers have access to an enormous body of data on player behavior — with the implication that there's a lot of money to be made in tapping this information more

Yeah, and I think people are right to be wary when Facebook says they're planning on a "software and services" future for Oculus. There are a lot of ways to take that, but Facebook monetizes services by collecting your data and serving up ads. Period. To me, this sounds like a $99 headset subsidized by Facebook ads —

Al Ewing in general is one of Marvel's best recent hires — his Loki: Agent of Asgard is shaping up nicely, and his Age of Ultron tie-in (I want to say it was in Avengers Assemble?) was the best thing to come out of that event. I think he's going to be writing Doctor Who comics too? I hope the corporate machine doesn't

Rather than letting the gaming community and industry change over time (like society has and still is) to make it more woman friendly, they're just elbowing their way in and demanding it change to cater to their wants and needs.

Now playing

And Haruomi Hosono put out an entire album of Namco remixes in 1984.

This. It's a design problem, not a canon problem. Without the trunks and belt, the red and gold of the Superman logo are completely drowned out against the blue bodysuit. While a large block of red around the waist is important for creating a sense of balance between the red in the logo and the boots, the belt's even

My rule of thumb: Any self-described "reviewer" probably isn't producing very good criticism.

Yeah, but nobody's going to tell you western society is still feeling the impact of Roman or Byzantine slavery. The Atlantic slave-trade is the economic foundation of the Americas—which gives it unique historical prominence and makes it worth discussing. The ideology of modern racism comes out of the colonial era, so

"Let me guess at a statistical percentage on the basis of anecdotal internet forum posts and Amazon reviews." — a person, on the internet

Yeah, Summer of Love is absolutely 100% what I want to see next from the series. Make the bad guy an analogue of the Zodiac Killer, have it bleed psychedelia, and set it all in 1967 Bay Area California. Why have they not made this yet?

This is what happens when a GoPro camera is strapped to the back of an eagle. You get the world's greatest third-person (third-bird?) view.