
What he says is great. What he does is... well...

I’ll help you out.

I pulled this off ABC’s coverage. It’s partially a copout, but he isn’t incorrect about the need for continued services being made available to women and families (although the “drug addiction” feels like he is making either a race or class slight).

Yeah, I figured she just needed time and some help, but frankly she’s hit the terrible grey zone between “possibly mentally ill” and “definitely a huge asshole”. It’s too bad.

I would like to see an analysis on the type of people who answer, and don’t answer polls. The impression I get is that the people who consistently answer polls are the type who are going to vote a certain way no matter what. The people who don’t answer polls remain more uncertain and open to changing information until

Please explain how she looks like shit in that picture.

“Looking like shit”? I don’t think she looks like shit in that picture. Also, this is how she usually looks? A quick look at Getty and recent pics of her that are not completely filtered, goofy or with other people all look pretty much like this.

Jezebel clearly has enough ad revenue to get better and more recent stock photography of Britney. It’s the same set of pictures of her every time, looking like shit.

yeah, b/c arresting the rapist makes the pregnancy go away!  magic!

I’ll never get over the painting contractor, profiled on 60 Minutes, who he stiffed out of something like 10k, a significant amount to this guy, who STILL VOTED FOR HIM! 

As Paul Noth puts it:

Covid had one job

It’s like rock bands from the ‘70s and ‘80s. People still go to their concerts because they want to hear all the same hits, over and over again, and they never tire of it.

My advice to the current bugs - don’t do the whole sentience thing. Stick to the hive mind and toil in relative peace. 

I’m old enough to remember the polling that showed there would be a red wave ahead of the 2022 midterms.

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through

And what will that prove? You realize that if enough of you vote 3rd party then Trump wins.... right? Yeah. That guy. The guy who says he wants to bomb Mexico. The guy has made it clear he will remove anyone who opposes his ideas and install lawyers that won’t get in the way of his plans to turn the US into a

He doesnt even need there to be a fine.  The imaginary threat of one, much less a very real one, will do the trick.

So, it should tell you something about the state of the Democratic Party that this man is presently polling ahead of President Biden in key swing states.