We should all do this. He doesn’t need to know if you can only afford to give $5; he can just fucking drown in a pile of “a donation has been made in your name” notes.
We should all do this. He doesn’t need to know if you can only afford to give $5; he can just fucking drown in a pile of “a donation has been made in your name” notes.
Being extremely tall can be sort of a mixed bag, though, even for dudes. Sure, it’s generally a positive attribute, and being normal-tall (say, 6'4) is great. But once you get noticeably beyond normal-tall, you really stand out in a way that can be uncomfortable, especially for a self-conscious teenager. At 17, I…
Except it's also the timeline in which people are doing something about it.
Kind of a weird choice to update an article from 6 months ago rather than just posting a new one and linking to the old one for context. It was jarring to open an article about the sentence she received, and scroll down to the comments to see people talking about the sentence they hope she would receive.
I actually don’t remember them ever actually being for small government.
Yup! My backyard wedding was in SoCal, in October, which meant there was an excellent chance the weather would be perfect, but a real chance it would be too hot, and a very small chance it would be too cold, or it would rain. So we had tents, heaters, *and* misters, all ready to haul out at a moment’s notice. The…
Um. Actuarial math also adds up to free birth control for women, yet I still had to shell out a significant copay for it until the government forced the insurance companies to knock that shit off. You are giving them a bit too much credit if you assume they're all logical about this.
You know what’s funny about that coercion bit? I had an abortion in a time and place where there was no such rule, and yet the providers were still very diligent about making sure I knew what I was doing and that I was choosing it freely (in a way that was also respectful of my choice and my time; it didn't fucking…
The cost of the chair rentals is legit. I got married in my parents' backyard, and that was way more expensive than it sounds. A wedding venue that includes everything you need is the way to go if you want to keep costs and effort under control.
There’s an important distinction that gets lost in nearly every discussion of “high-maintenance” women vs. “chill, “low-key,” etc. And that is the distinction between what you are doing/paying for yourself, and what you are asking of others.
It unintentionally makes perfect sense. The bosses selling their workers down the river *should* endorse Trump if they wanna keep doing that.
It’s also just completely nonsensical. By the same logic, if I can identify one instance in which the NYT was liberal, then they're always liberal.
Seriously, jock itch? Did y’all have a contest to see who could come up with the grossest way to write about the totally unremarkable event that is Taylor Swift dating someone new? What was the runner-up? Water is *moist*?
I bet you’re right. Regardless of the state in which the divorce is filed, custody cases are to be decided in the children’s “home state” under the UCCJEA, subject to limited exceptions. Determining the home state of a couple of jet-setting nepo babies whose parents own multiple homes can be tricky, but if they stay…
Presumably the general public? The real question is what they're supposed to remember. It’s not a great tie-in. Good rule of thumb: your reference to an actor’s previous roles (or a musician’s songs, etc.) is never half as clever as you think it is when you’re writing it.
I didn’t think it was possible for me to like Fetterman more than I did yesterday, but here we are.
I mean, it's obviously first and foremost an example of being pro-life.
Oooh, I like the idea of delegating further selections to the prostitute. I'm changing my vote!
If so, ol' Yogi's ghost must be drunk and demented, because he always made more sense than this.
IOW, he was 14 years too old to matter to the GOP.