
Did Pence actually get booed? I thought the cast addressed him respectfully and he was a lil bitch about it. are too young to know? At what age do you expect this resentment to develop? 

But we don’t have any EVIDENCE that was him!

I don’t think exceptions for the life of the mother are inherently inconsistent. We allow for self-defense and defense of others in cases that might otherwise be murder. But exceptions for rape, incest, or any other reason do contradict a belief that abortion is murder.

Totally fair, but breeding like rabbits ain’t gonna solve that. Even if the “right” (ugh) people do it. 

Nobody ever talks about all the people he *didn’t* rape. Sheesh.

Or even write them in a way that acknowledges what he *did,* as opposed to only acknowledging the fact that he was convicted, and then go on to say, "but here are some of the good things he's done." Some would still criticize that, but I wouldn't. 

Exactly. There are multiple options here, each meriting different responses. You could denounce your former friend. You could make a bland statement in support of the victims without explicitly denouncing your friend. You could say nothing at all. You could say something that acknowledges your friend’s guilt while

Let’s not conflate expecting friends to “immediately denounce” those who do bad things with expecting them to refrain from making public statements discrediting the victims. I know there are those who expect the former as well, but there is a distinction worth making here.

Right? He can't even be bothered to say anything nice about her while he has the chance to clear the air, AND he's kinda saying not only "don't believe rumors" but also "don't believe anything she says." This was actually worse than him saying nothing. 

I get what you're saying, but I still think there's a world of difference between saying nothing at all and actually speaking up on someone's behalf. I wouldn't really know what to say if a close friend of mine turned out to be as terrible as Bill Cosby. But I could handle shutting up. 

This is the best take that's ever been taken. 

The real news would be if she tweeted something coherent.

Gyms do rescind memberships over bad behavior toward other members, IME. I wouldn’t expect that to take the place of law enforcement, but if someone assaulted me at the gym, I’d want my assailant kicked out, and if he wasn’t, I’d quit and make some noise on Yelp/social media about it. Of course, quitting my gym is a

Yeah but she seems devastated, not like your friends imagine themselves being. And while plenty of women do welcome additional, late-in-life “oops” babies, a majority (59%) of abortions are had by women who already have kids.

I’m not denying you know someone like this, but I *do* think it’s unusual. According to the Guttmacher institute, in the U.S. in 2015-2019, 34% of unintended pregnancies ended in abortion—and let’s not forget that “unintended” doesn’t mean “so unwanted it leaves you sobbing,” and also that lots of women during that

Give it a year and it'll be mandatory. 

She'd probably negotiate a killer deal where you paid double the price and just got the holes. Not donut holes, as in tiny spherical donuts, but just the empty space that filled the center of the donuts you wanted. 

Yup. Team No One, Everyone Sucks Here, or whatever the kids are saying these days.

Who is being punished here, let alone slaughtered? Could you be more hypersensitive to mild criticism on the internet?