
I don't think the dark side of humanity will ever go away. There will always be people who are indifferent to the suffering of others, and even people who enjoy it. Those of us who feel differently will never be able to rest on our laurels. 

Where did you read that the nail tech asked her to not pay? 

I'm vacillating between Team Fox and Team No One. The fans criticizing her are doinks for sure; they don't get to spend her money for her. But I don't agree that *not* donating was somehow more considerate. I think she could've donated, and the nail tech would've been grateful, and their relationship would've survived

Black women face a similar issue. It seems like one of those problems with a lot of victims and no clear villian (see also: gentrification), which makes it hard to talk about without coming across as blaming people for just trying to live their lives. 

This is one of those situations where the would-be recipient can’t *ask* for money but the other person can absolutely choose to give it, and it will be graciously received. Like if you’re getting married, and you really just want people to give cash, you can’t *say* that. You can say “no gifts please” or just not

I feel like I already understand the demons' side of things. Do they have an ETA?

These folks live in a world where everyone is either with them or against them. There is no constructive criticism, loving compromise, or personal growth because everyone is either completely right or completely wrong and always has been, always will be.

IDK, I think MTG’s youngest supporters are the only ones on her mailing list for whom there is any hope. We all did dumb shit before our frontal lobes were fully grown. But if you’re 40 and still voting for this pile of crazy, you’re never gonna be OK.

No, no, we've always been at war with Eurasia.

Also WTF is up with the snarky "I guess 'Stand By Your Man' has limits?" Maybe if Wynette herself were divorcing I could see it being irresistible to reference her song, even if doing so made an unfortunate implication of criticism for leaving that wasn't warranted. But why are we shitting on this private individual

It put the deplorable in the basket. 

A lot of people, when they hear stats like this, subconsciously it around in their minds so that 1/6 of women being abused means 1/6 of men are abusers. And the latter isn’t true. I don’t know the precise stats, but a very small percentage of men are committing a huge amount of DV.

Eh, men can suck AND women can be complicit too.

Were you around in the '80s? The notion that drugs can turn anyone into a crazed killer was promoted far more than it ever needed to be. 

Indeed. I’m marveling at the folks who didn’t personally know the victims but remember how awful the news *made them feel,* and who insist these crimes were unique and special in a way that renders inapplicable any rhetoric on criminal justice reform they might otherwise co-sign. It's like saying that a victim's pain

Kind of related, but why don’t more people think this:

I didn’t bother to dig into your history; I just conceded the point for the sake of argument because I figured even if you were a troll, you were asking a totally fair question here. Sorry if that was a jerk move on my part. We never did get an answer in all that invective, did we? 

Yep, when you see every creature as a dog, you see dogs everywhere. 

I’m counting nine posts by you in this thread alone. So no, it’s not “entirely,” “literally,” me and one other person complaining that you won’t have the conversation we want. You chose to enter the chat, and you’ve chosen keep replying to everyone, even though you don’t seem to have anything of substance to say on