
It’s weird how you keep replying to everyone’s posts to tell us you don’t owe us a response. No one said you did. The original question wasn’t even posed to you directly. If you don’t want to respond, you can just *not respond.* I wonder if you comment on people’s GoFundMe pages to tell them no one owes them the money

Thanks for the thoughtful response. And no need to apologize on behalf of anyone who has been “mean” to me; I’m voluntarily jumping in the ring here to critique what I see as below-the-belt hits by the boxer I’m ultimately rooting for. Your example of the 10-year-old with precocious puberty is a good one. And maybe

Yes, I’m for real. The very first post in this thread contains no insults and certainly none directed at you, as you weren’t part of the conversation yet. You immediately jumped on Soft and Low’s “I’m confused” with “Yeah you fucking are.” Rude, unhelpful, profane, insulting. You also accused them, and by implication

Who started with insults? What insults are you seeing, besides the ones you dished out?

So Soft and Low is a troll based on their comment history, and therefore any question they pose cannot possibly be in good faith. I could get on board with that. But then other commenters have the same question, and you don’t seem to think they’re all just trolls, because you’re making the effort to convince *them*

I mean, yes? But also, I can't imagine his supporters giving a shit, so...

Disagree that rational people are categorically not big on abortion. But agree it's not a prerequisite. 

Abortion isn't just for unplanned pregnancies though. It's also for pregnancies that go wrong, in any of a thousand ways. Don't hate on abortion for being a partial solution to an array of heartbreaking problems. 

Huh. I was working out a way to say “I’m not arguing with you, but it’s funny you’ve had that experience with atheists, because I keep having that experience with strong agnostics (i.e. the “I don’t know if God exists AND YOU DON’T EITHER, YOU INTELLECTUAL INFERIOR WHO PRESUMES TO UNDERSTAND THE UNIVERSE” crowd.") But

I’m big on abortion. I'd consider myself pro-abortion, not just pro-abortion rights. I had one, and would have another if I ever got pregnant again. Of all the choices I’ve made in my life, having an abortion is probably in the top 10 in terms of significant, lasting positive impact. I agree completely with the Rev.

That’s interesting about the 10-15% figure; do you have a source on that?

I know this is the state that acquitted George Zimmerman. But this bitch *admitted* to calling the children the n-word and other derogatory terms. She *admitted* to throwing roller skates and swinging an umbrella at least in their general direction. What more does the State of Florida need to prove she had hatred,

Understanding and appreciating satire requires the ability to think "... but that's too far." IDK if it's genetic but today's conservatives are definitely missing that line of code. 

Same. I had a privileged upbringing—stable, loving home, safe suburban neighborhood I could ride my bike around, no major hardships. But I didn’t like being a kid. I got my driver’s license and a job as soon as I was old enough, then went to college in a big city 3,000 miles away. Having responsibilities can be a drag

There are lots of good counter-arguments, which is why it's annoying to see so many leftists tilting at windmills instead of making them. 

Lance Armstrong is a douche and it’s highly probable that his podcast on this subject will be idiotic. But I don’t see where he has yet made the argument that anyone is “identifying as trans in order to gain an advantage in the world of competitive sports.” And that doesn’t have to be the position of anyone who

I was keeping it together until I read the part about the satirical paper being named "The Dunning Kruger Times" and now I'm on the floor, gasping for air. 

At first glance, DeSantis appears to be a hateful, ineffectual lizard-person. But once you get to know him, it turns out he's actually a supremely odious, impotent goblin that no self-respecting lizard or person would ever associate with. 

I’m not denying that racism plays a role. But I think this is a better example of how the GOP will tolerate anything from its own people, despite attacking those on the other side for bullshit reasons, than anything else. Yes, the GOP unfairly attacked educated and respected black members of Congress *who stood up for

Anyone who tries to make the case that violence happened to girls because of how they were dressed is definitely *at least* a pervert.