What would you do with her instead?
What would you do with her instead?
I’ll reserve judgment till I hear the new lyrics. But I feel like, even as a 5-year-old, I groked that Ursula was *lying,* because she’s a villian with nefarious plans that involve setting Ariel up to fail with this get-a-kiss-in-3-days-without-talking business, because it’s *not* true that men prefer women who don’t…
“Pediatricans do not take calling CPS lightly. And a CPS visit doesn’t warrant a child’s removal from their home unless the child truly is in danger. I’ve been in practice for over 10 years, and I can count the number of times on one hand in which I’ve called CPS.”
I mean, I want to agree with you. But saying that judges should be apolitical while at the same time saying that it’s a “fact” that abortion is between a woman and her doctor and the government has no business regulating it... well, it kind of smacks of the conservative logic that any abortion they agree with just…
I’m confused. It sounds like you think pro-choice is the only right answer (if so, you’re not wrong!) but you...don't think pro-choice judges are something to celebrate? Is it just that you think being pro-choice should be the default, and anyone who disagrees is too political to be a judge?
How is this still in the greys?
So... what is the explanation being offered by these responsible gun owner parents as to what happened here? Because I feel like 47 things needed to go wrong for this to be possible, at least 30 of which were their jobs.
I’ll put Bud Lite (or anything weak) in a Michelada and drink to the scary brown folks who threaten my ability to earn slave wages doing hard manual labor in terrible conditions, while I’m at it. ‘Murica!
Oh please yes let's get a trans dude with a self-deprecating sense of humor to say the quiet part loud about guns as penis substitutes!
Hey everyone, let's buy 3 cases of a product that offends us so we can shoot it! That'll teach 'em!
You’re really doubling down on this, huh? On the basis that you read some employment firm’s website blurb and think you can now explain legal concepts to the rest of us? God, give me the confidence of a mediocre internet commenter.
“News from Texas” is the new “trigger warning" for anyone with a soul.
If Jeebus showed up in Texas today, he might not be literally crucified again immediately. But they'd probably make him wish for it.
When was the midterm election where we voted on letting the police lie to us and the applicability of the First Amendment to private citizens? ;-)
You're right; the counselor may have union protection. The actress, not so much.
Every US state except Montana has at-will employment. Sometimes I read these comment sections and think, do people just not realize how few rights they have? Like 90% of people seem to think they have the right to only be fired for cause, they don’t have to worry about the terms of those liability waivers because “you…
Are you suggesting Republicans don’t care about the troops any more than they care about children, and instead that they are just using both as props in a scheme to grab ever increasing levels of power?
Yeah as much as I’m enjoying her defense (she had to go to the spaaaaaa!), I’m seeing two possibilities here:
Read the article. This isn’t about her wanting to leave; she already left years ago. This is about her wanting to sue for kidnapping, stalking, and libel, and the courts refusing to let her suit proceed until she satisfies the church’s bullshit arbitration process, which they themselves are now blocking.
Yeah at the very least we need some reasonableness standards for the terms of the arbitration agreements.