Interesting. Would you say most of them adjust by the time they graduate, or do they pretty much stay weird?
Interesting. Would you say most of them adjust by the time they graduate, or do they pretty much stay weird?
When the only tool you have is a Republican congressman, every real problem looks insurmountable.
I think our system is overdue for a reckoning on arbitration agreements. Yes, they can save a lot on litigation costs, and individuals should generally be free to contract as they see fit. But this is just unconscionable, and it's not the only example.
In fairness, I think it was poorly written. I had to read it twice myself; the first time I thought, whoa, they’re not holding anything back anymore!
Oh come on, think of the fun new variations we can do on the Who's on First routine!
Sigh. It's not as funny when the bastards keep winning.
Kinda aready happened, and yup, Republicans were super horny for gun control when Black folks armed themselves:
Uh, Florida? That Simpsons episode was making fun of people like you through the use of hyperbole. It wasn't meant as a suggestion.
Coaching women's basketball seems like a poor career choice for a homophobe.
It's not too late...
I was gonna play the world's tiniest violin for these cops...but then I got high.
I’m too exhausted by all this shit to comment on the stupid, infuriating substance of it yet again. So I'll just note that the photo above is a strong contender already for this century's most punchable face.
Given the delays these laws create, it's possible even a wealthy women could die before she has a chance to cross state lines. It's less likely that the stars will all align such that this happens to a woman who matters to the handful of GOP politicians with the power to do something to reverse this runaway train. But…
Why not?
OMG I love this suggestion. With regard to the judge asking about the scope of his power, I actually don't think that's unusual or indicative of a problem *in itself.* Larger context, yeah of course this judge is a puppet, but that's not the smoking gun that proves it.
I once did a road trip through the southwest hitting up several national parks, and Utah really blew my mind. It’s a damn shame.
What kind of misogynistic backwards hicks are running Wendover that they’d rather be the sad little sister of State Line (excuse me, they’re calling themselves Primm now and we’re not supposed to laugh at them for it), known for (I assume, never heard of them before now) fluorescent-lit slot machines and lukewarm…
But the analogy to HBCUs admitting white students would be Wellesley admitting men—cis as well as trans. Wellesley students apparently want to keep excluding cis men while accepting trans men. There may be any number of good arguments for doing so. I just can’t wrap my head around it being *transphobic* to disagree,…
Not the point, but I was surprised to read about that clinic that just *suggested ibuprofen* for the cramps. When I had a medication abortion through PP, they gave me Percocet to take before the misoprostol. And although it might have been the reason I was puking for days until I stopped taking it, I was still glad…
I’m of two minds on this. On the one hand, I'm a big fan of due process for everyone, even scumbags. On the other, he specifically went to Romania because he figured their broken, third-world legal system would work to his advantage. So.