
I vaguely recall a case in Germany decades ago in which a (mentally ill, I assume) man responded to another (gotta be mentally ill, right?) man’s personal ad seeking a volunteer to be killed and eaten. The cannibal/murderer filmed the volunteer/victim consenting to everything before and during. I don’t remember how

One “explanation” that frequently gets trotted out is that the woman consented to sex, but was hoping it would lead to a relationship, and then cries rape when it doesn’t. I’m not sure that has ever actually happened, but in theory, this practice could protect against that.

Good for the public for shutting this shit down. The relentless attacks from the right are exhausting, and I know we've all been run ragged by fighting back over and over. But they won't stop, so neither can we. 

If it makes anyone feel any better, I’d wager that approximately zero dollars out of the hundred mil goes toward helping anyone else.

I learned back in the '90s to keep my eyebrows away from trendy salons. The cheaper places staffed entirely by Vietnamese women with limited English proficiency are where you want to go if you want your eyebrow waxer to do what you ask. And you can tip 100% and still walk outta there richer.

I know nothing about Singapore's legal system, but I hope they have something akin to a vexatious litigant rule that will prevent him from ever filing a claim in pro per without permission from a judge, and a way to order sanctions against him and any lawyer who represents him in such a frivolous suit.

Reminds me of Gone Girl, which I seem to be alone in hating. Like, OK, men *supposedly* commit violence against women all the time, but guys, what if the bitch really is lying, amirite? Even an apparently dead bitch could be faking it because she’s that crazy and conniving! I’m a cool girl, guys, I’ve got your backs!

Yes, we have. And they got to see the sun on a beach without it being a whole thing.

Even if he breaks into your home and assaults you on camera, the right will claim it was consensual based on what you wore to bed. Just ask Paul Pelosi.

Yeah, does any other country sexualize breasts to the same extent as the US? Like dudes, you may enjoy them, but they’re not actually *for* you. Get a grip. 

Buddy, you have no idea what hell is.

Yeah the mileage comment might be the grossest thing I've read on that whole subject. I have never been a fan of her music, but I have no doubt she would have been just as famous and successful, and would've been a lot happier, if Kanye had kept his damn mouth shut in the first place. 

Oh man, when did she say the part about thinking people were booing her? That's an extra scoop of awful on the shit sundae.

Perhaps there haven’t been enough people with that level of self-awareness for it to have come up before? 

As horrifying as all this is, I feel compelled to once again point out that rape exceptions categorically disprove the sincerity of those who claim to be protecting babies. If your reason for wanting to ban abortion is that you believe the embryo/fetus is a person who must be protected, then it doesn’t matter how that

I dunno. The couple had already fired one wedding planner, so that points to them as the possible common denominator. The fact that they cite to a text exchange in which one planner mentioned going for a tequila (to which the bride reacted supportively at the time) as evidence they were drunk on the job is so weak it

I would've single-handedly driven the agave plant to extinction. 

Minor nitpick: the term for limited laws on what counts as wrongful dismissal is “at-will employment.” “Right to work,” which is often confused with “at-will,” actually refers to laws against compulsory union dues. But your point stands, and in fact, every US state except Montana has at-will employment, meaning you

Because it's illegal to discriminate against people on the basis of disability; it's not illegal to discriminate on the basis of looks.

Read it again slowly. Many are missing because her ex knocked them out. The others *aren't missing.*