Jojaonmymind posted the link below:
Jojaonmymind posted the link below:
Somebody with the power needs to bring this out of the greys!
Don’t forget all the rapists who will now claim that she's making it up just to get an abortion.
Ah, I gotcha. It might be helpful to think in terms of employers potentially having an obligation to accommodate *recovery*, not active addiction. So unpaid leave for rehab, maybe/yes; smoke breaks, no.
I’m not sure what you mean by “doesn’t legally count”; do you mean addiction doesn’t count as a disability (and therfore you can fire addicts), or that it doesn’t count as a legal basis to fire someone even if it’s causing them to do their job poorly? I’m happy to elaborate, just not sure where to start.
I had a sense of deja vu and could swear you posted almost this exact rant before... and I found it!
What’s horrifying is that the company may have effectively covered its ass by saying missing teeth were only prohibited if “unrelated to a disability.” In general, in the U.S., it’s illegal to fire someone or take other adverse action (and yes, this includes “constructive firing,” i.e. forcing them to quit) based on…
In a court of law, yes. In the court of public opinion? Not necessarily. The overwhelming majority of those who claim to have been raped are telling the truth.
Granted, I never read her book. But I'm not quite getting the racial angle. I feel like I see this kind of backlash toward women of all races who make a career out of raising the bar for keeping house--Martha Stewart comes readily to mind. Some of it seems like crab-bucketing; some seems like warranted criticism of…
Victims don’t always react the way you might expect, and that goes double for victims of statutory rape. Children aren’t mature enough to consent to sex; that’s why we don’t allow it even when the children would appear to be willing participants. A child who says yes, even one who pursues an older partner, can still…
Well-put. I also think the insistence that this was a race-based hate crime erases other aspects of the victims' humanity that deserve attention. I posted an excerpt from an LA Times article quoting members of the community who believe the perpetrator may have been motivated by jealousy over a woman who didn't return…
Didn’t you hear? All women are bloodthirsty baby-suckers; it’s a miracle anyone gets born without a woman being forced to carry against her will. That’s why the earth’s population is in such precipitous decline!
There have been lots of studies showing married men live longer, earn more money, have more sex, and report greater happiness and satisfaction than single men... but the same doesn’t appear to be true for women. If anything, marriage and children seem to be, for women, on average, a major bummer.
Makes it easier to take someone as your lawfully wedded spouse for as long as you both shall live, I guess.
Damn, Florida Woman is a lot less funny than Florida Man. 0/10 stars, would not meme.
Some people do manage to avoid growing up at all over 20 years. Like the people who ask those kinds of questions of celebrities.
I have such admiration for those willing to tell their stories, and such hatred for those who make this grotesque pageant of personal disclosure necessary.
It’s starting to look like just another unhinged, jealous, violent man story. From the LA Times:
“transgress with Pam in hopes it goes somewhere while couching it in a judgement." This is so on the nose it's going to take a gifted rhinoplastician to put it back together. The skeezy pass + "it's just a joke, lighten up" + "what I'm really saying is you're a slut, not that I want you." Ugggghhh.
These laws don’t give fetuses and embryos the same rights as people; they give them greater rights. A 3-year-old who needs some part of his parent’s body to survive—a donated kidney, some bone marrow or blood— can still be refused by said parent.