I realize this is way, way beside the point, but...
I realize this is way, way beside the point, but...
They have three kids ages 2-6! That's reasonable enough doubt for me!
I can’t tell if you didn’t read what I wrote, or you just have an overly rosy view of mental health care and its ability to change a lightbulb that doesn’t want to change.
As a lawyer who has worked in various fields where a party’s mental health can be a make-or-break issue, I’ve often been frustrated by mental health professionals who take confidentiality so seriously that they won’t even testify on their client’s behalf, with that client’s consent, after said client’s lawyer explains…
The problem is, there’s a lot of bad advice out there. The socially inept young man who Googles “how to get girls” or similar could end up a lot worse than the one who just relies on his own poor instincts.
I don't disagree that a universal basic income and free healthcare, including mental health care, would solve a lot of problems. But I don't know if they would have helped in this case. Would this guy have sought therapy if it had been freely available? If so, would he have told his therapist all these creepy things…
I’m not sure if it's true that misogyny isn't taken as seriously as racism. Certainly Black women get the worst of both, but I've heard from many who feel more victimized by racism than by misogyny. And one of the ways racism can manifest is people not taking Black victims seriously.
I got the impression from The Dropout that FOMO was probably behind the willingness of Holmes’s investors to proceed on so little information, too.
The apology could’ve been better, should’ve come sooner, and wouldn’t have been necessary if he hadn’t approached the situation from such a misogynistic standpoint in the first place. But the fact that he made one at all still puts him ahead of a hell of a lot of folks.
They’re increasingly saying the quiet parts out loud.
I mean, even now there are huge rape kit backlogs. We have this amazing technology and they just can't fucking be bothered.
Yeah, it's easier to live in a world where, if you just act smart, you won't become a victim. So a lot of women are very insistent that they do live in such a world, and every victim has only herself to blame.
I was walking home from the gym one night, in a suburbanish city with one of the lowest violent crime rates in the nation. A car pulled up beside me and the driver, a young man, offered me a ride. I ignored him and kept walking. He kept offering, pointed out it wasn’t safe for me to be alone at night (oh so the…
Read your own article; it says nothing about the FBI clearing him, only child services. And it also correctly notes that those cases are confidential, so anything “leaked” to the press by “insiders” has to be taken with a grain of salt.
And even the things celebrities say about their specific talent should be taken with a grain of salt. Actors, athletes, musicians, etc. who make it big usually have an insane amount of inborn talent, a lucky break or ten, and very little they can teach you about how to get that life.
So you're gonna ignore my point about how there aren't codes restricting literal speech, and yet somehow, life goes on. I asked the question in good faith, genuinely hoping you might have thought through your position. But your snark tells me you only just realized you haven't, and instead you're doubling down. Have…
Do you think that, without a dress code, children would grow up not knowing how to dress appropriately? Do you think a school dress code prepares children for jobs with different expectations of attire than the school's?
Not strong enough. Increase the profanity by at least 67%; don't sell these workers short!
All the schools I attended had detailed dress codes; one even required that shirts be tucked in. And yet none of those dress codes specifically or categorically prohibited Klan robes, Confederate flags, or Cowboys jerseys, though I don’t recall ever seeing anyone wear those things. The overwhelming majority of the rule…
Why do schools need a dress code?