Yeah it makes me nervous that SCOTUS is even hearing it. The appellate court got the obvious right answer; just let that stand.
Yeah it makes me nervous that SCOTUS is even hearing it. The appellate court got the obvious right answer; just let that stand.
Multi-millionaire loses one chance to make a few more million because of shit he did; conservatives elevate him to martyr status, whine that the left won't tolerate intolerance. Sounds about right.
“It is a little squishier to the touch than a normal erection,” Steve told Glossy.
This. Also, the snarking about men with small dicks tends to be, how shall I put this? It's not about the dicks themselves; it's about the toxic behavior men engage in to compensate, and how pathetic that whole spectacle is. We're not talking about dicks we've actually seen; we're merely speculating that, for a man to…
You also can't get trichinosis (the other illness mentioned farther down in the article) from beef.
And yet, that's less depressing to me than Victoria Beckham's diet.
I don’t think we’ve really given “shaming the misogynists and jailing the ones who are acting violent” the old college try yet. We should at least stop electing them to the highest offices in the land and paying them tens of millions to play children’s games or make-believe for a generation and see how that goes.
Nope. Men are responsible for their actions; in this case, being violent right-wing nut jobs. If you come across any women trafficking and raping men, you can tell 'em I said they're responsible for doing those things too, even if men called them names. But for now, we're talking about men doing bad things and…
Crazy thought... what if what’s missing for these boys, the thing they need to keep them on the right path but aren’t getting, isn’t good role models, or tenderness, or anything else generally welcomed and acknowledged as desirable, but rather...accountability?
Uh... what do you think Andrew Tate is? News?
No, it’s not a conversation about young men’s feelings of isolation and loneliness, and it’s certainly not a conversation in which young men are expressing that they feel isolated and lonely and are told “boo fucking hoo.” It’s a conversation about young men gravitating toward right-wing idealogues, in which pundits…
If you have examples of the left saying “boo fucking hoo” in response to men “communicating any sort negative feelings they have,” please share. Because there’s a big difference between a man saying “I’m lonely/ I’m afraid of heights/ I’m hurt that my role as a parent isn’t taken seriously/ etc." and getting the…
Genuine question here, not remotely a trolling attempt to defend our disgraceful system:
I came across a meme the other day with an image of a woman hugging a little boy and words to the effect of “maybe if we comforted our sons when they cried instead of telling them to toughen up, they wouldn’t grow up to be violent men.” And I agree that toxic masculinity poisons everyone, and maybe it was the…
Jeans are fine for me if I’m going to be doing a lot of standing/moving around. Sitting at a desk for 8+ hours in them is a hard nope.
Accusations by a republican are confessions.
OK your mom’s thing is def messed up but this:
Regular gloves are problematic for smartphones. There are fingerless gloves, and now gloves with some kind of special martial on the index finger and thumb that allows then to be used with a touchscreen, but I haven't seen any that look as nice as a traditional pair of leather gloves, or a muff. I moved back to a…
Yeah, Minnesota winters... well, I’ve heard about them. I think a muff would’ve been perfect for the years I lived in Boston. Most days the high temperature was in the high 20s; only a few times did it get into single digits. This SoCal native never wore gloves, because I found my hands stayed warmer if I just kept…
I think it’s that anything familiar always seems less scary. Almost everyone has been exposed to lots of people consuming alcohol, sometimes responsibly, sometimes not. But even the seeing the irresponsible use and its consequences tends to deaden our fear response compared with drugs to which we've had less or no…