I wondered the same. Was she just getting in a snit before and unable to articulate what was wrong with their clothes, until one of her helpful overseer-staff talked her into some specific guidelines?
I wondered the same. Was she just getting in a snit before and unable to articulate what was wrong with their clothes, until one of her helpful overseer-staff talked her into some specific guidelines?
“This is how you get anti-vaxxers pinning yellow stars on themselves to suggest that they are oppressed by vaccine mandates,” an NBC culture critic wrote.
Yeah it’s funny how she seems to think “just a color palette!” is more low-key than a literal uniform. This brand of idiocy seems to have made its way into bridal media in the last several years. So now you've got “I’m so chill and offbeat, not like those traditional bridezillas!” types declaring that, instead of them…
Hand-waving this off as just a discovery dispute is like saying a defendant got off on a technicality when the police's failure to preserve the chain of custody actually indicates they planted evidence. This is how important cases are won and lost--not with a witness breaking down on the stand and confessing he lied.
I completely get what you’re saying and agree it could have been phrased better. But I also think the phrasing does leave room for interpretation as “Not that it’s OK to shame people for being fat anyway, but I actually wasn’t—it was wrong on two levels!” It’s the word “even.” If she’d said “I don’t know why they were…
At this point there are so many liberals in Texas it's almost an even proposition to rescue them or kick out the conservative nutjobs. And besides, I'd like to go to Austin without a passport.
I doubt she had any noble motives in this choice or in the timing of it, but I feel like both of those worked out well for us Ds. If she’d announced this before the GA runoff, it might’ve driven more conservatives to the polls. If she’d stayed a D, she might lose the next primary, but on the other hand she might win…
Once again, the party running on an anti-abortion platform is doing everything in its power to increase the number of abortions. Women forced to choose between keeping their jobs and keeping their pregnancies are a lot more likely to terminate their pregnancies than those who don't have to choose.
In fairness, he’s not saying *she* deserves privacy, just that *he* does. To the extent that she’s an extension of him, he wants to shield her, because he feels entitled to that shield. It’s like tinting the windows on your car. You don't do it to protect the car's privacy. It all makes a lot more sense if you think…
In my experience, CPS tends to take away brown and black kids over relatively minor issues, and leave rich white kids in horrible homes. They would be treating this family very differently if they had more melanin and less money.
Thank you. My head hurts from the stupid, but I guess I was literally asking for it.
Can you please explain the references to the stuff we're supposed to hate? I'm so confused.
There’s a widely-held view that family size is absolutely off-limits for judgment, that there’s no limit to the number of kids a parent can love and care for, and that anyone who questions such choices is a monster.
I wouldn’t have been able to resist the temptation to tap into their fears about women talking outside their presence (are they laughing at me? Oh God, what if they’re not even talking about me at all???) with a small dick joke. But that's why I'll never be a politician.
Huh, didn't seem like that was the majority scenario I encountered, but those cases may have just been completely undetected. It's a complex problem, for sure.
I regret that I have but one star to give this. I used to work in this area, and these girls generally do not think of themselves as victims (though they absolutely are.) Some of us are very lucky to be unable to fathom a life that could make a violent pimp seem like the safest person.
Yes, the coffee would have to be very hot to cause physical injury. You may remember a famous lawsuit in which McDonalds was ordered to pay medical expenses plus millions in punitive damages for serving coffee hot enough to cause physical injuries when spilled. That, to me, is reason to doubt that part of the…
How many fucks do you suppose they give about the people of Flint, MI and other places who have to buy bottled water because their tap water is literally toxic?
Yep, it’s a nuanced issue. I took the same birth control pills for years before they started making me throw up. But focusing too much on “here, try this other brand/method of delivery/other idea to make hormonal bc bearable” tends to reinforce the idea that this is all our problem to solve in the first place.