
Also he needs a good slap over that non-parallel sentence structure.

I have a special interest in my uterus and can't be trusted to make unbiased decisions about it. They have a more respectable general interest in controlling all uteruses. Fair enough. 

Perhaps. But if you think being a fan necessarily precludes sincerely feeling entitled to steal your favorite artist's music, I urge you to Google Metallica and Napster.

Nope. Even if that wasn't meant to be serious, that’s not what sarcasm is.

Aren’t you sophisticated. I can't possibly counter such a thoughtful, original defense as the old "lighten up; it's a joke!"

Tangental, but I still don’t get why antis are pushing this abortion reversal nonsense. How does it serve their purpose for women to believe they can just go ahead and get the abortion before the time period expires in their jurisdiction, because if they have a sudden change of heart afterward there’s a way to undo

Be honest: am I feeling the right amount of schadenfreude? I said “yessssss!!!” aloud when I read the headline. I’m the same age as Holmes and followed the story in real time, but have been learning more recently about just how bad it was. But I also wonder if there’s maybe a little internalized sexism contributing,

The most powerful and dangerous lies always have a grain of truth. Here, the grain is that 1) hormonal birth control and copper IUDs do have side effects for many women, which for a very small subset of women can be severe and occasionally even fatal, 2) it’s all too common for these problems to be dismissed by our

I’m hopeful that this is a “to be continued” kind of statement. The part about how she’s brought so many elements of her career in-house over the years “to improve the quality of my fans’ experience” (read: because the people it was being outsourced to sucked at it) implies she’s contemplating doing it again. I’m not

I don't know how you came up with that interpretation. I was objecting to the author apparently criticizing Swift for getting paid. We all agree she's getting paid; the point of contention seems to be whether she should be. Which...I can't believe is a question. 

I’m glad she said something, though I wish it was a little less underwhelming and a little more, “Music should be free and I’ll give you all free tickets.” But alas, capitalism wins again."

Yeah I’m not a fan of hers but I don’t understand this criticism. She’s a recording artist. She sells recordings of her music and tickets to her concerts to people who want them. The prices appear to be in line with the usual going rates for these things. She generates a lot of new content, and is currently selling a

Hardly surprising. When conservatives are out of power on a national level, they’re all about states’ rights. But the minute they have the means to do so, they pass federal laws taking away the rights of liberal states to govern as they see fit. When precedent is on their side, they’re all about tradition and how you

Pennsylvania looks good in blue. She should wear it more often. 

Nah, he's a turtle. 

I do think some relationships that could have been good for both people end because one or both didn’t make the effort, and those people may be worse off as a result of those failures. But I think other scenarios, where no one is at fault, or one person was so egregiously at fault that the other is better off without

You might be right. I’m still seeing a lot of the kind of white-hot anger that usually would have faded by now, over that leaked city council tape with the racist remarks. Not saying it isn’t justified, just that it isn’t being forgotten the way so many other justified outrages are. The Angelenos are not OK.

Parental rights can also be terminated involuntarily, especially when the birth parent is abusive, neglectful, or abandons the child. 

Herschel, buddy, you’re about a decade too late to try to be Governor Dunston and ride Tracy Jordan’s charming coattails to victory.

I just got a concession speech email from Caruso thanking me for my "steadfast support" and I wanna know who's out there spreading lies about me.