
Yes, please revise this quote:

Aside from the fact that childcare is explicitly allowed as a use of campaign funds by the FEC, it’s actually highly suggestive of a candidate who does “keep his kids.” A candidate who’s fathered children only to abandon them has no use for childcare. It’s only one who normally spends a significant amount of time

This is what I'm afraid of. We still really need Warnock. I don't pretend to understand what's going on with Kyrsten Sinema, but I don't trust her not to defect to the other side when it counts. 

I mean, state law doesn’t apply on federal land, so that would be a bit like LA cops arresting someone for gambling upon their return from Vegas.

Of *course* you can blame the Republicans for their own predicament. Aside from stacking all the courts with anti-choicers, they’re the ones enacting the bans that the fall of Roe merely permitted, not required. Here in California where the Dems are in charge, not only have we lost nothing of the right to choose, we

And if there is documentation that attempts were made and rebuffed (i.e. the siblings got the message and told the producers to go away, as opposed to the siblings not realizing the producers reached out because they never check that earthlink account anymore), then we've got a conviction resting on the testimony of

It’s almost as though getting hit in the head for a living is not a good idea.

She didn't say Taylor Swift was her only celebrity friend, though; she said she was her only friend "in the industry." 

I think they find it horrifying because it’s not at all horrifying on its face. There’s a tape that some first aid courses use to talk about pool safety; they introduce it by saying it’s a recording of what a drowning child sounds like, and then they play it and it’s just silence. It powerfully makes the point about

Yeah I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that like most Americans, she probably doesn’t get a dime or a dollar more than the law requires her employer to provide, which is 12 weeks unpaid leave if she’s been there a year or more. Talk about a welfare queen! smh

I worry that, with the labor shortages in healthcare (and other fields), hospitals and doctor’s offices may not feel like they can afford to fire people who suck. Jillian says this nurse mistreated her before, and although she may not have complained to the clinic at the time, she also might not have been the only

In the runup to the 2016 election, I remember a reporter from NPR interviewing some inbred hick about why she was voting for Trump. And after the hick got done talking about how it was all about the jobs, nobody can get a job with the Democrats running things, blah, blah, the reporter simply pointed out to her that

Oh I completely agree with abortion being on a case-by-case basis. You just need to have the right people in charge. So, Jane wants an abortion, Jane gets an abortion. Jill doesn't want one, so she doesn't get one. Perfect system we had there. 

I can’t imagine any non-horrific ways to make all of social media government-owned and operated. But I’m kind of intrigued by the idea of creating a government-run social network to exist alongside those that are privately-owned. As you point out, many small businesses maintain only a Facebook page because they lack

Another sterling living example from the party of personal responsibility. 

He wasn't smart enough to change his clothes, so I'm willing to bet he either wasn't smart enough to wear gloves (especially while loading the gun--people forget that part) or he wasn't smart enough to get rid of them. And they can lift prints from the inside of latex gloves they find in the garbage. 

I’m not sure I like the trend toward beauty pageants becoming, or pretending to be, about bigger things. I could be OK with having this space where physical, conventional beauty is judged and celebrated, but also kept in perspective. Sometimes it’s fun to just enjoy shallow things. But once you start having

All the more reason this conversation was so important. Where else would the average viewer of this show be exposed to that kind of discourse? 

Fun fact: if you as an employer fire someone for making a complaint of unlawful harassment or discrimination, that firing is illegal *even if* the underlying complaint turns out to be without merit. So admitting that a fired employee's performance was "pretty decent" but that her "attitude" got her fired, when she

I’m not seeing the assault.