
Better yet: Don’t bring your dog to the office. Exceptions if you work at one of the following places: a vet, a kennel, a groomer, Chewy, or a ranch where your dog is the cattle dog. That’s it. Otherwise, Fido stays home or goes to doggy daycare.

You can’t bring your dog to work without being an asshole.

Of course they’ll ban contraception, just like they’ll do nothing to improve the lives of babies and their families.

“hate” is such an extreme reaction. Extremely mild in this case.

Now that these states are poised to outlaw abortion fully, their next steps will be to expand access to contraceptives, work to improve maternal health, guarantee maternal leave, make daycare more affordable, and expand pre-K programs, right?

I’ve sacrificed plenty of socks over the years and only one or two pairs of undies, thanks to gastrointestinal issues. Sometimes you just don’t have time to check for paper, but I also refuse to show up on reddit, shitting in a trash can.

Video for sure. At least you can resize your browser window if you don’t want to click through slides.

This was another article you knew was written by Claire by the title alone.

Champaign Urbana is also in Central Illinois, which is to say it’s in the middle of fucking nowhere, with nothing to do

Morgantown: Come for the not as low as you would think cost of living, stay for the black lung!

I don’t think you can just say that yet. Death rates of some strains in Africa are as high as 10%. The death rate in Africa so far is a little under 5%. It doesn’t look like any people have died outside of Africa.

Epidemics have nothing to do with severity. They are just a localized outbreak of an infectious disease among a population.

It does if the mask prevents the saliva and other fluids containing the virus from getting to your nose and mouth. I read a study saying wearing a mask is about 80% effective at preventing YOU from contracting the virus. It’s not 100%, but if you were told one restaurant was 80% lower chance of you getting food

Our real hero, thank you.

1. Dryer Lint Catcher - Clean and check for damage

This is the way.

This article is way more insightful, articulate, and well-researched than a one off cocktail recipe should be. I love it!

Yes I came here to warn about the same thing! It’s highly poisonous to cats, even though it is ok for dogs. Be careful with spraying any shoes given that lots of cats love to play with and/or rub all over their person’s shoes. Whenever I get back from a run in the woods my cat loves to smell on my shoes to see where

Chances are good? Damn, I’m 50 years old and done a fair amount of camping, hiking through the woods and outdoor activity in my life and I’ve never once suffered a tick bite. As carriers of Lyme disease and the like ticks are no joke and this is some A+ preventative advice, but I will be unsurprised to make it through