
Wal-Mart hate is fashionable and, to be sure, Wal-Mart has lots of problems. But I always feel like the Wal-Mart bashing articles have an underlying air of “Don’t shop there where the poors go!” Because yeah, if you live in a small town, there’s a good chance your food options are either Wal-Mart or a gas station. So

It’s like they’re unaware that the sizes of many items at the dollar store are miniscule. I’m not sure about the States, but up here in Canada, every store has the price broken down per 100g or something as a unit price so you can truly compare prices. You just have to get up close to the price label on the shelf and

Yes, for even sketchier products, and no produce at all.

There are two types of people in the world: Those who think something vaguely maple flavored and loaded with high fructose corn syrup counts as “maple syrup” and those who know the difference between golden and very dark varieties.

Chips are chips.

and strangely, Sams Club (right across the street in many locations) has great produce for the most part, and a really good selection of quality meats.  And good rotisserie chickens also. least where I live.

You should do that always and in this case it has nothing to do with inflation.

I think fig, bourbon, and lemon would be great.

I inherited a a degenerative condition from my dad, who had a knee replacement in his 50s, which is very young. When his knee started to really hurt, he stopped moving and he got really overweight, so that just made things worse. I didn’t want the same fate. But combined with my knee issue is that one of my legs

...i won’t say. but i will say that i watched it completely ignorant, and i think it was the best way.

I honestly don’t know. I also don’t know where these incidents took place so it could have been in a state or states where sexual assault laws require some sort of actual physical contact between the assailant and the victim.  Or it could have been outside the statute of limitation.  It could be the victims didn’t

Nope.  I didn’t follow the case closely enough, so my googles would net the same results as your googles.

I think Seven is a huge omission.

Ha! I probably have more kids than you, Cash

I’m giving you the point here for sick burns.

Hi Scott. Thanks for this measured and respectful feedback. To answer your question: Thankfully, I am not stupid enough to personally attack a stranger on the internet for doing their job. And boy, am I glad for that. ✌️

Man, you office type people who can work from home got it easy.  My entire industry shut down for 6months in 2020 and now I work 12hrs per day with a mask and get nasal swabbed 3-4 times per week.  Can’t exactly do my job over zoom.  Still, I do enjoy my work. 

I worked at Costco and can confirm!

My wife works at Sam’s Club, and management SUCKS. They are TERRIBLE at filling vacancies, which causes other people to have more work, which stresses them out until they quit, creating even MORE vacancies. 

It’s difficult to fully compare the benefits of each store and their treatment of their employees, but if you’re curious about which company has a better reputation for caring for workers, Costco is where you should shop.”