The distinction between the two is among the many things that the Simpsons taught me.
The distinction between the two is among the many things that the Simpsons taught me.
Maybe it says something about me but I don’t see those prices as shocking, given the location... reasonable.
Room service isn’t about how good the food is. It’s about the convenience of not having to step out of your room to go to a restaurant. It’s not any different than ordering delivery food at home.
Oh hell no.
When you’re traveling for business and at the office until late and you just want some sort of sustenance with minimal effort. Plus you get hotel points for it as well.
please report all suspicious activity to your block supervisor.
Thank you, and thank you for explaining. I have been supporting y’all by NOT clicking through to anything while you were on strike, and with the timing of this, I am sure I am not the only one who needed clarification. Glad to see y’all won, BTW.
If you’re adding the black bars, you should probably be exporting it out of Illustrator as a PNG or JPEG, not a PDF. That way you lose that underlying information as it is now a flattened image.
I put a white box over the text, then type something over that, then pixelate that.
As a person who works for a a newspaper busting its butt to produce content to attract paying subscribers to keep the lights on and to help preserve what’s left of democracy, I’m pretty irritated that Lifehacker took the time to produce this how-to. And I just revoked your site’s exception to my adblocker.
You guys literally just went on strike so you could get fair compensation, and one of the first things you do when back is to post a way to avoid giving other folks in print media — where you all have an extremely good chance of ending up at some point — their fair compensation, after online advertising destroyed…
I’m actually tearing up! Thank you so much!
Congratulations on the contract!
How about using less oil? That helps the environment AND sticks it to Putin at the same time.
The US halted new oil leases, we did not stop any of our current oil production. The US gets little if any oil from Russia, but their issues still effect the global market price, which then indirectly affects our gas prices. If Saudi Arabia would ramp up production to stabilize European oil demands, our prices…
I ran the audio through the Google Translate app, got a rough translation:
It’s done here in BC and I went to a Catholic school (over 30 years ago).
Yes, this has been the trend of late, and one I (a former Catholic) heartily support. Too often, Lent is taught as a time for “giving up” something, rather than “trying to be” something. So people gave up caffeine or chocolate or some other frivolous nonsense, and in the grand scheme it matters nothing. It’s…
The title made me think ‘Claire’s got another great idea’ but it’s by Jordan Hicks? Pleasantly surprised to see you in the video.