
I really wish we would stop invoking physics when discussing weight loss and calorie intake. It’s mostly unhelpful.

Grave of The Fireflies is the saddest I’ve ever seen in my entire fucking life.

That and Grave of the Fireflies... I don’t know which messed with me more.

Plain ol’ vegetable oil - definitely NOT canola - or ghee, if I’m feeling fancy.

Champagne - or other sparkling wine of choice - with heavily buttered & salted popcorn* is a fantastic meal.

Assuming you’re not working with a little apartment sized unit, a 2/3 sheet pan should fit in nearly any oven sporting 4 burners up top.

Unless you’ve got a very narrow oven, scale up to 2/3 sheet pans (seriously!), and larger racks to fit.

Why should I learn to cook when I can just buy prepared food?”

Works great, IF there’s a Costco close enough and you can shop there enough to justify the membership fee. For me, that $5 chicken would cost a MINIMUM of $20 to acquire, completely aside from the membership. 

So you’re saying to buy a $60 membership to Costco to buy a 5 dollar rotisserie chicken?

And when you’re done, take the rest of the bird and ALL the leftover bones and dump them in your crock pot. Add in 2 carrots, a celery stick, and an onion (all chopped into large pieces), a tsp of peppercorns, a couple bay leaves, and fill the rest with water. Put it on low heat for 12 - 18 hours. Salt to taste about

Another tip: freeze the leftover bones to make chicken stock afterwards, or even right away if you go ahead and cut the meat away from the bone. Then you can use the stock to make soup or chicken bog, or use it instead of water in the rice cooker to make very flavorful rice!

i’d rather spend time cooking and drinking than sitting in traffic, looking for parking, standing in line, sitting in traffic again...

Why do you think they read the article?

why did you even bother to read the article and comment?

It was from an EPA report. Basically, CUVs are 10-15% less fuel efficient than their car/sedan/hatch platform counterparts. Not bad enough for a typical buyer to care for the perceived benefits of space, ride height, etc... but enough to give a downward trend on avg fuel economy for the US.

It’s a thing and some black people sweeten grits. My grandfather (born and raised in SC) used to add butter and molasses to his grits.


i don’t agree with the dirty car take. In CA we’ve had terrible droughts, so my family goes as long as possible without washing vehicles to try and preserve water. The inside of the car looks great, but yeah, the outside is dirty...oh well. I am exploring chemical wash, but not sure if they’re great either.